How do I prepare myself to become a pure bride for Yahshua?

Just before lockdown in 2020 I had this amazing vision. Yahshua was sitting next to the most beautiful pond of crystal-clear water. He lifted up a handful of water and invited me to come and drink from His hand while He was saying: “This is the season where I will >privately< and >personally< give you wisdom directly out of my hand. Not from a church, not from a teacher or prophet, directly from Me! Come sit with Me and drink from my hand.”

Right there the book of the 24 Day Journey of FOUNTAIN OF UNDERSTANDING was born.

“Wisdom is a gift of a generous YAHWEH and every word He speaks is full of revelation and becomes a fountain of understanding within you.”
(Prov 2:6)

To become a pure bride for the Bridegroom we need to go through some cleansing. As we drink the Water of Life direct out of Yahshua’s hand, He will reveal some beautiful mysteries to us and I saw we didn’t just drink water out of His hands, but He took us deeper into the water as our INTIMACY relationship with Him gets “deeper” and He even teach us to breath under the water with Him.



Pastor Erin Nel
Sin separates us from YAHWEH and through this book we are beautifully led to a call to holiness. Mattaniah explains this journey in both the spiritual and natural; she has illustrated a road to healing and sanctification in such a simple yet deep way, that you are excited to read the next piece. Exploring these pages helps you with the pilgrimage to spiritual maturity, leading you to “pause in His Presence” with prayer and contemplation of the Word. You will find that you are called, chosen and loved, which is beckoning us to come deeper into Him. As Scripture says “we can all draw close to Him with the veil moved from our faces.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 This book is filled with useful scripture to guide you on your way in increasing your spiritual hunger. Mattaniah masterfully sets practical guidelines for you to come closer to YAHWEH, to answer the call to purity and holiness. We are called as the Bride to the Bridegroom. A pure bride, without blemish. Let your journey towards Holiness begin…

Daily we needs to strive to be cleansed by Ruach Hakodesh to become the bride that the Bridegroom deserve. To order your Hard-copy or eBook of FOUNTAIN OF UNDERSTANDING please email me at info@mattaniahministries.co.za or whatsapp @ 0795344388.




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