The truth about the true Messiah has been hidden to the masses for almost 2,000 years. Now in our time we are blessed to have the truth finally revealed.

“Many shall be purified and made white and refined. But the wicked shall do wickedly. And not one of the wicked shall discern, but THE WISE SHALL DISCERN.“(Dan 12:10)

Through the pages of the Tanach we will find Who was the only Person Who ever lived and fulfilled 300 different prophecies and is the only true Messiah. If you look at the “law of odds” and the probability of ONE MAN fulfilling each and every prophecy it is mind staggering.

YAH-shua means “The salvation of YAH weh” and even way before Yahshua was born, Yahweh revealed Who He will be and also what His name will be in Exo 23:21 “Be on guard before Him, and listen to His voice. Do not be rebellious against Him, for He will not forgive your transgressions; FOR MY NAME IS IN HIM.”

Close to 100 times in the Tanach (Old Testament) you find the personal name of our Savior Yahshua personified in the Holy Scriptures and yet because most translators do not recognize the true Hebrew name of our Savior Yahshua, they do not translate these references about our Messiah into the English language.

6th DAY of the 7th MONTH

“And she shall bear a son, and you shall call His name YAHSHUA, for He shall save His people from their sins.” (Matt 1:21)

According to the Sabbatical Calendar Yahshua was born between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur on the 6th Day of Awe. That is today on the Roman/Gregorian Calendar, October the 9th 2024. To honor our Savior today, I want us to take a look at the NAME YAHWEH gave Him.

With every birth of a child, the new name for the baby can be a big headache for some and even be a sensitive topic in family circles. A name is very important.

I believe you also appreciate it when people call you on your name or even wright it correct, for that matter. Even if I’m traveling to Spain, I still will be Mattaniah. Or if I go to Greek, my name does not change, it stays Mattaniah. From this point of view, don’t you think it matter to Yahweh what we call His Son?🤔

There was no letter “J” in any language until the 16th century.

The name YAHWEH is in the original Paleo Hebrew manuscripts 6,823 times. Almost every translation on earth, including the King James, takes out the Creator’s personal name and replaces it with the name “Lord”, a generic title that means ‘Baal or Master’. Also, our Savior’s true given Hebrew name, Yahshua, which means “Yah is salvation” is changed to a Greek hybrid of Jesus, which is a poor transliteration from the Greek IE-Zeus.

The English transliteration of Yahshua would be the equivalent to Yahoshua. There was no letter “J” in any language until the 16th century. So the Greek name “Jesus” would not be the name of our Savior.


The third commandment strictly forbids taking the name (of) YAHWEH in vain. In vain literally means to ‘change, falsify, or make common’. Taking the name YAHWEH or Yahshua and changing it to ‘Lord or Jesus’ is definitely going against the clear instruction of the third commandment.

“And there is Salvation in NO OTHER MAN, for neither is there ANY OTHER NAME under Heaven having been given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

Clearly if there is ONLY ONE NAME where people can be saved it is the name “YAHSHUA”. “For this reason also, Elohim highly exalted Him and gave Him a NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME.”(Phil2:9)


The lawless gospel message that Christianity is teaching did not originate from the Bible and when Yahshua returns all those who have been practicing lawlessness will be cast into the lake of fire.🔥

Then surely from their fruits you shall know them.

It will not be that just everyone who says to Me, Master, Master, will enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but the ones who do the will of My Father in Heaven.

Many will say to Me in THAT DAY, Master, Master, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of power?

And then I will declare to them, from everlasting, NEVER KNEW YOU; “depart from Me, those working lawlessness!” (Matt 7:20-23)

If I know someone personally and intimately, I will call him by his real name and not address him as “Master”, “Sir” or “Mister”. The above Scriptures in Matthew 7 is fascinating because Yahshua allowed people to cast out demons and healed the sick, but yet He did not know them and cast them into the lake of fire! Why do you think it’s the case here? Because *there was a lack of an intimate relationship.*


Our Messiah was Jewish, not Indian or Chinese and He came from the house of David, THE Root of Jesse. YAHshua was also not Greek and *did not have a Greek name*. He lived as a Jew, ate like a Jew, and had all the customs from His Israelite ancestry. It was hundreds of years later that Constantine along with Greek Historians made Him into a Greek character, with a Greek name and Greek attributes, but the true Messiah came to die for the sins of His nation Israel and the sins under the first Covenant.


When Yahweh reveals the truth, we must turn away from paganism and repent of our sins and be baptized into the NAME OF YAHSHUA H’MASHIAC (Acts 19:5), and I urge you to re-claim the promises that are rightfully yours. Don’t let the lies of religion hi-jack your heritage any longer. Reclaim the Messiah of Israel’s NAME because He died for your sins, and you need to enter the NEW COVENANT that’s been prophesied in the Tanach so many years ago.




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