

“For if we believe that Yahshua died and rose again, even so Elohim through Yahshua, will also bring with Him all those who have fallen asleep.

For we say this to you in the Word of Elohim, that we the living who remain to the coming of our Master will not at all go before those who have fallen asleep.

Because the Master Himself shall come down from Heaven with a commanding SHOUT of an archangel’s voice, and with the TRUMPET of YAHWEH. And the dead in Messiah will rise again first.

Then we who remain alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet with our Master in the AIR. And so we will always be with our Master.

So, then, comfort each other with these words.”

(1 Thes 4:14-18)

Yom T’ruah is the shadow of the returning of the Bridegroom Messiah in the air to come and fetch His bride. So, we celebrate this feast with SHOUTING and BLOWING THE SHOFARS, dancing and rejoicing because we eagerly awaiting His return and the Spirit, and the bride say “COME YAHSHUA COME”. So, rejoice and be glad and comfort each other with these words: “THE BRIDEGROOM IS ON HIS WAY! MARANATHA!”

🎵 Song of the day
(The Spirit and the Bride)

Also for today I’m sharing 3 YouTube videos for you to take time and watch during the next 2 days regarding the Feasts of Yahweh that was such a blessing for me to watch.


Feast of Trumpets
Yom T’ruah will start tonight, Thursday, October the 3rd, at sunset and ends on Friday, October the 4th, again at sunset, triggering the weekly Shabbat, ending on Saturday during sunset.

I pray that you will be greatly benefited with these Scriptures and teachings.

Shalom and MARANATHA


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