Yom T’ruah is NOT Rosh HaShanah

11 Days to Yom Teruah / Feast of Trumpets

As we approach the next Biblical month and next Biblical Feast, that will be fulfilled by Yahshua, I want to clarify something first: Yom T’ruah is NOT Rosh HaShanah.

Today, few people remember the Biblical name of Yom Teruah and instead it is widely known as “Rosh Hashanah” which literally means “head of the year” and hence also “New Years”. Scripture clearly teaches us exactly when Yahweh declare the beginning or “head of the year” in Exodus 12:2 which is Aviv or Month One when it is spring in Israel when we celebrate Passover.

The transformation of Yom Teruah (Day of Shouting) into Rosh Hashanah (New Years) is the result of pagan Babylonian influence upon the Jewish nation.

The first stage in the transformation was the adoption of the Babylonian month names. In the Torah, the months are numbered as First Month, Second Month, Third Month, etc (Leviticus 23; Numbers 28). The same transformation happened with the week names, but the Biblical correct counting of days in the week is also Day One, Day Two, etc. because each day represents a Babylonian name, until today.

Yom Teruah is on the First Day of the Seventh Month

The name of Yom Teruah provides a clue as to its purpose. Teruah
literally means to make a loud noise. This word can describe the noise made by a
trumpet but it also describes the noise made by a large gathering of people shouting in unison (Numbers 10:5–6).

I know all the calendars from all sides can be confusing, but if we strictly keep to Scripture and not follow Babylonian or Orthodox Jews’ fleshly, manmade influences we will observe it correctly as Watchman. Does it matter what the correct dates are? Yes it does, because we worship an Elohim that works in perfect detail and if we want to observe the fulfillment of Biblical Prophecies we need to be alert, awake and operate in perfect alignment with Yahweh’s “manual” and instructions.

For your own research about this topic, I’m releasing the eBook of ‘Don Esposito’ today called: The Biblical Calendar.

The Biblical Calendar is Yahweh’s clock in the sky to show His Covenant people when to keep the proper Holy Days for worship towards Him. If it matters to Him, it must matters to us! Discover in this eBook the amazing way how His calendar works.

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