We are currently in the Biblical year 5994 going to 6000 years (Gen 6:3 – 120×50) that will end on the Gregorian Calendar in 2031. Yes, 7 years to go. This mean that we are at the end of the 7th year of the Shmita cycle ending on the last Biblical day of the last Biblical month (February/March 2025), triggering the final and last Shmita cycle of 7 years to fulfill the 6000 years Yahweh gave mankind in Genesis 6:3. This final Shmita cycleΒ  will end again on the last Biblical day of the last Biblical month (February/March 2031).

For Biblical confirmation and more in-depth teachings about this revelation you can watch the video I made regarding this topic:



“At the end of every seven years (Shmita) you shall make a RELEASE. And this is the manner of the release: Everyone who has a loan to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbor and his brother, because a release has been proclaimed for YAHWEH.” (Deut 15:1-2)

Would that not be fantastic to be debt free this year because we are moving into the end of this seven-year cycle as I explained!Β 


 According to this Chapter there is a blessing in this command (16:6). But I don’t want us to focus on the debt free part, but rather the revelation of Yahweh’s Salvation Plan in the last part of this amazing Chapter in Yahweh’s Word.

6000 YEARS Gen6:3 UNFOLD

In Deuteronomy 15 Yahweh is revealing His Salvation Plan in front of our very eyes. In verse 6 He command that slaves who worked and served for 6 years must be set free on the 7th year.

This is clearly a shadow of the 6000 years Yahweh gave mankind in Gen6:3 because after the 6000 we will also be “set free” and spend the 7th year (the 1000 years Millennium is the 7th Shabbat year – Rev 20:16) in freedom, reigning and ruling with Yahshua.


In the same chapter 15 of Deuteronomy, we read in verse 13-14 that the slave will not only be free, but his owner shall not let him go empty handed. This is such a beautiful shadow of our rewards Yahshua is promising us in Revelation 22:12 and in Matthew 16:27 that He will give us after we are set free and released from the slavery of this world.


This is the most remarkable amazing part of this chapter. In the end of the 7th year when the master must release his slaves, the slaves have a choice to go away, take his rewards or stay. If the slave chooses to stay, his master will then take an awl (a small, pointed tool used for piercing holes) and put it through his ear and through THE DOOR and then the slave will be a LOVE SLAVE FOREVER for the master.

“And it shall be, if he says to you, I will not go out from you, because he LOVES YOU and your house, because it was good for him with you; then you shall take an awl, and shall put it through his ear, and through the door, and he shall be your slave FOREVER.” (Deut 15:16-17)

This is the token of a blood sacrifice that makes this slave not an ordinary slave that is forced to work for his master, but this blood sacrifice makes him now a LOVE SLAVE that made a choice to stay with his master willingly.

This just takes my breath away because there is so much remarkable, Biblical and prophetic shadows in this chapter.


When we choose not to be slaves of the world anymore, but rather willingly be slaves of righteousness, then we also need to put our ears on THE DOOR as token and we need to accept His Blood Sacrifice (also on wood) to make us free from any worldly bondage and that we will be freely and willingly His Love Slaves forever.

“I AM The Door. If anyone enters through Me, he will have life, and will go in, and will go out, and will find pasture.” (John 10:9)

Wow powerful Scripture! I just love love love Abba Father’s Word. How marvellous is it to rather be a love slave enslaved to righteousness than to be a forced slave in bondage for the world’s evilness? “And having been set free from sin, you were enslaved to righteousness.” (Rom 6:18)


I hope you are also jumping of joy with me and choose to be a love slave for Yahweh because He bought us with Yahshua’s Blood and gave us a choice. His blood has freed us from the death penalty of our past sins, however if we continue to sin it will lead to death. (2Pet2:22) Something money can’t buy!


“But now having been set free from sin, and having been enslaved to Elohim, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of YAHWEH is everlasting life in Yahshua,Β  Messiah our Master.” (Rom 6:22-23)

*Money can’t buy*
(Cochren & Co)

Shalom righteous-free-love-slave of Yahshua.



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