“And Elohim said, Let light sources be in the expanse of the heavens, to divide between the day and the night. And let they be for SIGNS and for SEASONS, and for DAYS and YEARS.”
Gen 1:14

The creation in heaven will tell the truth!

In this verse the word SIGNS is Nr.226 and in the Stong’s Greek Concordance it is the word “aletheuo” which means: to be true in doctrine and profession, to speak / tell the truth. The creation in heaven will tell the truth! Elohim said Let them be for signs and that is one of the four reasons He created the “light sources” in heaven on DAY FOUR, is for them to be signs to tell the truth. Signs for whom? For the Watchman!

In Matthew 2:2 we read about the wisemen that was in the field and came to Herod, asking him where the King of the Jews is because they saw the SIGN IN THE SKY (they saw Yahshua’s star in the East) and wanted to worship Him. (Also note that nowhere in the Bible it’s mentioned that there were ONLY or JUST 3 wisemen and at the time they arrived at Mary, Yahshua was already about 10 years old – interesting teaching for another day).

Back to the SIGNS IN THE SKY. In Psalm 19, David wrote a beautiful poem that reveals what the Heavens manifest: “The Heavens are RECORDING THE GLORY OF EL, and the works of His hand the EXPANSE IS MANIFESTING. Day by day they pour forth speech, and night to night REVEALS KNOWLEDGE.”
(Ps 19:1-2)

These verses are showing Yahweh’s complete Almightiness in the heavenlies and that He will use them as signs for the wisemen and watchmen in their seasons.

With all this said, when we are waiting and watching for Yahweh’s signs in the heavenlies we are waiting patiently for the prophecies to fulfill and watching carefully FOR HIS SIGNS, and not the signs of men. Yahweh created these beautiful heavenly stars to communicate with us, to show wonders, to show day from night, to show seasons and years.

If we as Covenant Believers are watching for Yahweh’s signs in the heavenlies, that HE created, to fulfill His prophecies then we are on guard as Watchman and in the position, He attended us to be. “Then Yahweh said to me, you have seen well; for I will WATCH over My Word to perform it.” (Jer 1:12) We must keep on watching diligently if we want to be Yahweh’s Watchman and part of this is to keep our eyes on the heavenlies and be aware of His signs in the skies for us.

“Preach the Word! Stand by it in season and out of season. Convict, WARN, encourage with all patience and teaching.
1 Tim 4:2

I’m including a short YouTube video and I’m so excited about the documentary they are busy making about the October 9th event!

So many on this group registered for the FREE course of the “RESTORATION OF YAHWEH’S COVENANT”. If you want to get these valuable Biblical teachings for free, please WhatsApp me on 0795344388. The time is now!


Shalom, Mattaniah

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