
“And suddenly a sound came out of the heaven, as a groaning spirit along by a violent wind! And it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And tongues of FIRE appeared to them, being distributed, and it sat on each of them. And they were filled of the Ruach Hakodesh, and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave ability to them to speak.”
Acts 2:2-4

This weekend will mark Omer day 49, the 7th Shabbat, starting on Friday at sunset, June 14th, till Saturday, June 15th, at sunset and on Day 50 it will be the 4th Holy Day or Appointed Time of Yahweh, Shavuot / Pentecost. (Lev 23:15)

Correct Counting

Some of you saw that Israel already celebrated Shavuot earlier this week. This is only because they didn’t accept Yahshua as their Sacrificial Lamb yet, and that is also why they start counting the Omer after Pesach and not on Feast of First FRUIT when Yahshua fulfilled that Holy Feast of Yahweh on Resurrection Day on the Sunday after Pesach. Remember, Yahshua is the Fulfilment of each of Yahweh’s Holy Days and that is what we as Covenant Believers must observe.

3000 Fulfilment

In Exo 32:28 we read about the 3000 Israelites who were killed by Yahweh after they made the golden calf and in Acts 2:41 3000 was saved by Yahweh after the outpouring of His Ruach HaKodesh. An Almighty move out of Yahweh’s hands, concealing the old and renewing the new. It also shows the fulfilment of the character of Yahweh’s remnant. He took away 3000 at Mount Sinai but saved 3000 again in the upper room during Shavuot.

Yahweh is the Elohim of the impossible making all things possible!

May Yahweh fully establish you in the character of Yahshua on this weekend during the celebration of Shavuot 5994 and freshly refill you again with the FIRE of His Ruach Hakodesh.


Shalom, Mattaniah


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