June 10, 2024
Sivan 4, 5994

Today marks the 44 th Omer Counting on 4 Sivan. We are heading for the 4th Spring Festival of Yahweh’s Appointed Seasons named SHAVUOT / PENTECOST

The Nr.4 appears 309 times in the Amplified and very interesting is that many of Yahshua’s miracles reflects on a four. 

Four showing to blessings.

How often do we count our blessings?

In today society counting blessings is often more related to the things we own, worldly possessions etc., however, Yahshua tells us in Luke 12:15 that a man’s success is not measured by possessions. Our society and culture has altered our thinking and reasonings and in doing so has dulled our sensitivity to how to keep a childlike quality in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Remaining simple in a childlike faith and humble in attitude is a 🗝️ to total trust in Him and His ability to provide for us, instead of our puffed up declarations of, I did it my way in my own strength.

Psalms 103:2 – and to give thanks unto Yahweh; for [He is] good: because His mercy endures for ever”. Psalms 118:1-18 “for when we go through hardships“; Isaiah 43:2 confirms He is with us. As we trust in Yahweh with all our heart and lean not to our own natural understanding. Proverbs 3:5 He will never leave us nor forsake us and He will restore those whose trust is in Him.

Count each day and remember to count our blessings and name them one by one.

Shalom, Mattaniah

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