DAY 37
JUNE 3, 2024
IYAR 26, 5994

“This is the thing which Yahweh commanded. Gather from it, each one according to the mouth of his eating; an OMER for a head.”
(Exo 16:16a) HRB

The Hebrew for “what is it” is manna and last week we also talked about the manna and how it was a shadow of Yahshua, the Bread of Life that also came from Heaven (like the manna) to save us Spiritually from an everlasting death just like Yahweh gave the Israelites the manna to save them in the desert.

The thing that fascinates me on this 37th day of counting the Omer to Pentecost / Shavuot, is what we see in Exodus about the Omer. The Israelites was instructed by Yahweh that they only may take an *Omer* of manna per head. Just a few pages further in Leviticus 23:15-16, Yahweh instructed them to bring the same amount of wheat (an omer) in front of Him as an offering for 50 days (40+10). The same measurement (an omer) He gave them in the desert, they needed to give back to Him as an offering when they were in Canaan.

“And the sons of Israel ate the manna FORTY years, until their coming into an inhabited land. They ate the manna until their coming to the boarder of the land Canaan”
(Exo 16:35) HRB

Everything Yahweh gives us, is still His. Everything belongs to Yahweh, even if He gives it to us. Just like the Elders in Rev 4:10 gave back the very crowns Yahweh gave them, the Israelites “gave back” the omer of wheat which Yahweh sustained them with in the desert.

What do you have that Yahweh gave to you? Are you prepared to give it back to Him and are you willing to realize that it actually wasn’t yours from the beginning? Everything belongs to Yahweh. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son. What are you prepared to sacrifice for your Heavenly Father and give back to Him?

Make each day count.

“Father, teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”

Every day counts, if we count every day!

The seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot provide for us an ideal time for introspection and spiritual progress. An opportunity to reflect upon our own souls and burnish our divine image, a time of inner transformation.

The One Redeemed by the Passover Lamb is maturing and counting the days until her betrothal to Messiah.

Shalom, Mattaniah


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