DAY 32
29 May 2024
21 Iyar 5994

“I indeed baptize you in water to repentance; but He who is coming after me is stronger than me, of whom I am not worthy to remove the sandals. He will baptize you in the HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE, whose WINNOWING FORK is in His hand, and He will cleanse His THRESHING-FLOOR and will gather His WHEAT into the storehouse. But He will BURN UP THE CHAFF with unquenchable FIRE.”
(Matt 3:11-12) HRB

John the Baptist was preaching in the deserted places in Judea when he spoke these words. He already had so many Heavenly Kingdom Truths and wisdom, knowing that people need to repent and then baptized.

Very interesting 


 no church or Rabbi or pastor taught him to baptize adult men and women? Already Yahweh’s Spirit prompt John that they needed to repent then prophetically cleansed by being baptized and that Yahshua will be baptizing people with the Holy Spirit and FIRE! Exactly what happened on Pentecost / Shavuot!

But while we are counting the omer, I want to focus on verse 12 where John mentioned that Yahshua will have the winnowing fork in His hands, cleaning HIS threshing-floor and will gather HIS WHEAT and will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire.

We all know by now that during the counting of the Omer the Israelites daily waved an Omer of wheat in front of Yahweh and on the 50th day they waved 2 leavened breads.
By this time on the 50th day the Israelites would have already used a winnowing fork to separate the chaff from the wheat. But not only would they separate the chaff from the wheat, they would choose the BEST WHEAT to bake the bread on day 50 to present THE BEST BREAD to the Almighty Yahweh.

This revelation exploded in my face with the image of Yahshua not only having His winnowing fork in His hands to separate the chaff from the wheat, but also taking a closer look at the wheat and SEPARATING THE WHEAT FROM THE WHEAT in this season we are in now. He needs to present the “best bread” to the Almighty Yahweh.

During the counting of the Omer, ask yourself where on the threshing-floor are you. Are you part of the chaff that will be burned or are you part of the wheat that will be gathered by Yahshua? And then even deeper, if He is busy separating the best wheat from the wheat to present only the best offering to the Almighty Father Yahweh, will you be part of that high quality offering? Surely something to ponder on during the counting of the Omer.

Let the counting of the Omer count for you! Only 18 days to go.


Shalom, Mattaniah

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