23 May 2024
15 Iyar 5994

Did you know Moses went up 3 times on Mount Sinai? And all 3 times he went up for 40 days? 3 × 40 gives us 120. 120 is also the age when Moses died before the Israelites went into Kanaan. Yahweh also gave mankind 120 Jubilee years after Noah’s flood before Yahshua will return. 120 x 50 = 6000 and we are currently in year 5994. Not a lot of time left for us to make a difference and get everything in order. Let this counting of the Omer count for you!

The Israelites, led by Moses and the Pillar of Fire at night and Cloud by day, left Egypt on morning of 15 Nissan (Day after Pesach/Passover) and arrived at Sinai  40 days later.

Soon after they arrived Moses went up the mountain (1st time) to learn the whole Torah from Yahweh and after 40 days he came down with the Tablets written by Yahweh Himself.

Meanwhile the people thought Moses died as he did not come as they thought he promised and forced Aaron to make a substute leader and they made a golden calf.

When Moses came down later that day he saw the people dancing around the calf and smashed the tablets which he was holding. The next day, after the Levites killed 3000 people who openly sined, Moses again went up the mountain (2nd time) to ask Yahweh to forgive the people. He remaind there another 40 days and then came down and informed the people he had gained partial forgiveness for their sins.

Yahweh told him to again ascend the mountain (3rd time) and prepare 2 new tablets upon which would be a replacement for the broken first tablets.
He went up and on  came down with the 2nd tablets again 40 days later.
(Exo 12-20)

Thus Moses was 3times for 40 days up on Mount Sinai that gives us a total of 120 days. This is a very interesting timeline and Biblical map Yahweh is showing us that is also repeating now during the counting of the Omer for 40 days (when after Yahshua ascend to heaven) + 10 days (as instructed by Yahweh in Lev 23, and as a shadow of the 10 commandments Moses brought down from Mount Sinai and also in the New Testament the Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost/ Shavuot)

What did Moses do during that period of 40 days?

He was is the presence of the Almighty Creator, Yahweh! And he came down with supernatural wisdom and knowledge and with clear instructions directly from Yahweh. That is what happen if we also stand in the presence of Yahweh. He will give us wisdom, knowledge and clear instructions. Just like He *GAVE* Moses the *10* commandments, HE also *GAVE* us the Holy Spirit *10* Days after Yahshua ascended up to heaven!

Wow the perfect timeline of Yahweh is just amazing! That is why it is so important for us to know the Biblical timelines and dates to follow the map of prophecies that is being fulfilled right before our eyes!

Psalm 26: 2-6
Examine me, O Yahweh, and prove me; purify my reins and my heart. For Your mercy is before my eyes; and I walked in Your truth. I have not sat with lying men; and I will not go with hypocrites; I have hated the assembly of evildoers and I will not sit with the wicket. I will wash my hands in innocence; so I will go around Your altar, O Yahweh”

To read the teaching about the Omer Counting or to listen to it on Overturning Tables please follow the below link:

Let the counting of the Omer count!


Shalom, Mattaniah

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