
While Passover celebrates the initial freedom of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, 40 days later marks the highlight of the process of liberation, when the Jews became a community with their own laws and standards when receiving the commandments from Yahweh through Moses at Mount Sinai and in the New Testament at the exact same time, Yahweh poured out His Spirit on Shavuot.

Counting up to Shavuot reminds us of this process of moving from being a slave to freedom. What is your Egypt in your life keeping you bondage and in slavery? As we count the Omer to Pentecost, ask Yahweh to help you find freedom from your bondages too and also ask Him to fill you with a fresh anointing this year during Pentecost.

Psalm 25:2-5
“O my Elohim, I trust in You; do not let me be ashamed; let not my enemies triumph over me. Yea, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; let those be ashamed, those deceiving without cause. Make me know Your ways, O Yahweh; teach me Your paths; lead me in Your truth and teach me; for You are the Elohim of my Y’shua; on You I wait all day long.” (HRB)

Let the counting count!

Shalom, Mattaniah

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