2nd Biblical Month IYAR

Last night during sunset we went over to the 2nd Biblical month of Iyar, known in Scripture as “ZIV” according to Exo 13:4.
Blow you ramshorns today to announce the new month with me.

I hear Yahweh say “SEEK ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART” and the beautiful Scripture in Jeremiah 29:11-13

For I know the purpose which I am planning for you, says YAHWEH; purpose of peace, and not for evil; to give you a future and a hope.

Then you shall CALL ON ME, and you shall go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

And you shall SEEK AND FIND ME when you search for Me WITH ALL YOUR HEART.”
(Jeremiah 29:11-13 HRB)


Each step of the Tabernacle is leading you to a place of prayer and intimacy with YAHWEH. Entering into the presence of our Elohim begins at the Bronze Altar. It is from the sacrifices that we offer, that the coals to burn the incense on the Incense Altar are taken. 

The journey of the priests into the Holy of Holies represents your journey into the presence of the King which must begin at the altar. Yahshua’s death does not exempt us from bringing our offerings to the Most High, in fact His death highlights the need for us to continue to bring all that we own and all what we are to YAHWEH as a sacrifice unto Him.

This is where the oil for our lamps is initiated – through being refined by fire. From here we turned to the Bronze Altar to wash both our hands and our feet, washing ourselves in the Word, preparing our hands and our hearts as we step into the glory of the Holy Place.

“Who shall go up into the hill of Yahweh? And who shall stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart; who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceit.” (Psalm24:3-4 HRB)

The Golden Altar of Incense is the step up from the Bronze Altar – it is a deepening of our relationship with our Heavenly Father readying our hearts for our offering of prayer. We cannot hope to offer up our prayers without the power of Ruach HaKodesh – we must ensure the wicks of the Menorah are trimmed first and we must ensure the light is arranged so that we can ascend into the presence of our Elohim. 

“And YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to Aaron and say to him, when you go up with the lamps, the SEVEN lamps shall give light in the front of the menorah.”
(Num 8:1-2 HRB)

The word for “arrange” in this Scripture is Strongs 5927(H) ‘alah’ which means to go up, ascend, or climb.

Here is the key>>🗝️When we arrange the wicks on the Menorah we align ourselves with Yah’s will and our prayers may then flow with the will of the Father.


We have been called as a royal priesthood to bring glory to our King and Holy Father. He has called us to be a house of prayer for the nations. (Isaiah 56:7) We are called to be light bearers for Him, and to tend the lampstand and to bring fervent prayers to YAHWEH – we are called to pray for the nations and offer up our incense.

This incense was costly and precious and required grinding to make if fine and ready for burning. It required strength to grind the incense and diligence in the daily ritual of this practice. 

When the incense was ground by the Temple official overseeing the process would encourage the priests to grind the incense thoroughly by saying: “Hedek heitev, heitev hedek” which means “Grind thoroughly, thoroughly grind.” 

May we return to the presence of our King with incense ground and ready to fulfill the call to prayer in this new Biblical month of Iyar!

Return Beloved, return!

Shalom, Mattaniah

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