“This says YAHWEH: “Stand by the ways and see, and ask for the Ancient Paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you shall find rest for your souls” Jeremiah 6:16



If there is no FEAR, there is no GLORY, if there is no glory, there is no AUTHORITY. If there is no authority there is no FAITH, if there is no faith there is no MATURITY, if there is no maturity there is no WISDOM. If there is no wisdom, there is no KNOWLEDGE and if there is no knowledge there is no UNDERSTANDING. If there is no understanding, there is no TRUTH. If there is no truth, there is no DICERNMENT. Then there is a faithless generation without the glory or Godly Authority, running around unmatured without wisdom, knowledge, understanding, truth, discernment or the FEAR OF YAHWEH. ~Mattaniah~

In Nehemiah 8 Ezra said in verse 10: “And do not be grieved for the joy of YAHWEH, for He is your fortress”. I want to show you through Yahweh’s Word, how THE FEAR OF YAHWEH will be your strength.  Not only your strength but also your treasure.

The second Key of how to return to Yahweh’s Ancient Path is to restore THE FEAR OF YAHWEH. This is one of the keys Satan masterfully stole from mankind through generations and generations sowing his religious seeds, leading “the church” into a fearless relationship with Yahweh and living lawless lives. I believe in this final hour we are walking in, heading to the end of the church era, this will be Yahweh’s FINAL MOVE to restore His beloved ones who got lost or fell asleep and has no more fear of Him in them left.

If you missed KEY 1’s mystery revelation, you could catch up on this link:


 “And He will be the security of your times, strength of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of YAHWEH is His TREASURE.”

(Isaiah 33:6)

If Scripture tells us that our treasure is the FEAR OF YAHWEH, then we need to look deeper to grasp this revelation. With KEY 1 we unlocked the wisdom that we need to purify ourselves and take an active and disciplined approach to spiritual maturity by living holy lives to receive rewards and authority. Authority on earth now and authority in eternity, ruling and reigning with Yahshua forever. Grace never removes our responsibility to be faithful to Yahweh. Grace empowers us to do what pleases Yahweh.

There is also a treasure of authority in KEY 2 of returning to Yahweh’s Ancient Path, regarding the FEAR OF YAHWEH. This key also unlocks Yahweh’s rewards and blessings because true authentic holiness is in the FEAR OF YAHWEH and not in the love of YAHWEH. In Philippians 2 Paul merged these two very important KEYS: Spiritual Maturity & the FEAR OF YAHWEH. He didn’t refer to “The LOVE of YAHWEH” to strengthen or energize them but to use serious caution and critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that might offend Yahweh or discredit His Name and to work out their salvation, in THE FEAR OF YAHWEH.

~ Philippians 2:12-13 ~

“So then, my dear ones, just as you have always obeyed [my instructions with enthusiasm], not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, bring it to full effect, actively pursue SPIRITUAL MATURITY] with AWE-INSPIRED FEAR AND TREMBLING [using serious caution and critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that might offend God or discredit the name of Yeshua]. For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to [that is strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfil your purpose] for His good pleasure.” God will always support the believer, but it is the believer’s responsibility to do what he has been called by God to do.

KEY 2 – Treasure 1 Revealed:


This heavenly secret will be a shocker for the “religious system”. Believers without the FEAR OF YAHWEH have no Kingdom Anointed Authority in them because Yahweh’s authority is attached to His Glory. If there is no Fear of Yahweh, there is no glory and if there is no glory there is no authority. Yahweh’s GLORY IS HIS GREATNESS and His presence brings in a revelation of His Word. The greater His glory is in a place, the stronger will His authority be there. But if there is no fear of Yahweh present, there will be no glory and there will be no authority.

There is a difference between being gifted and having Yahweh’s authority.

All of us have the 7 redemptive gifts in us (Romans 12:4-8), but do we operate through Yahweh’s authority in them or fleshly in our own strength? We can ONLY operate in authority by the power and influence by the Holy Spirit and by Yahweh’s Glory in our gifts. You can be gifted but not walking under the authority of Yahweh. Authority is attached to Yahweh’s Glory. If the Holy Spirit is not present, there is no glory and then there is no authority. The same Spirit that grants these gifts, empower, and gives us authority to operate in them.

“And there is diversity of gifts, but there is only ONE SPIRIT; and there is diversity of ministries, yet YAHWEH is first. And there is diversity of powers, but the same Elohim is working all things in all. And to each one is given the manifestation of the SPIRIT as a help to him.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)

Remember the time Yahshua went to Nazareth but could not performed any miracles?  It was because the people had no fear of Yahweh and didn’t carry any of His glory in them. That was the reason why Yahshua could not perform miracles there as He did in other places. Due to their unbelieve and a lack of Yahweh’s fear in their hearts there were no glory and no authority. “And He could not do no work of power there, except He performed healing one few infirm ones laying on His hands. And He marvelled because of their UNBELIEVE” (Mark 6:5-6) Also in this case, with unbelief there is no fear. If Yahshua Himself could not do miracles without the presence of Yahweh’s Fear, Glory, and Authority, how could we even try? We need the FEAR OF YAHWEH!

KEY 2 – Treasure 2 Revealed:


In the 1950/60’s preachers latched the fear of Yahweh with a negative connection. Creating a wrong image of Who Yahweh really is. The reality is you can’t have an intimate relationship with someone you are scared of. Only people that are scared of Yahweh has something to hide. An example hereof was Adam and Eve. Just after they sinned, they were scared Yahweh would find out about their sin, so they hide and cover themselves. We need to love what Yahweh love and hates what He hates but we don’t need to be scared of Him.

The world fear people. There is so much fear all around us. People are living in fear. The enemy turned fear around from the fear Yahweh to the fear of men. Yahshua Himself said in Luke 12:5 that we do not have to be afraid of men, but we must fear the One who created them: But I will WARN YOU whom you should fear; fear THE ONE who after the killing has authority to cast into Gehenna; yea I say to you, FEAR THAT ONE!

We urgently need to turn back to the Healthy Fear of YAHWEH. It is healthy because the Fear of Yahweh produces in us a Kingdom Power to not walk away from faith. The fear of men kills our faith in Yahweh and then we also lose our FEAR of Yahweh and then only fear of men is left in us. It is like a spiral downwards effect on our faith without the healthy Fear of Yahweh in us.

The fear of Yahweh isn’t built in us from birth, we must be taught by it through the Holy Spirit and only Holy Spirit will also help us understand it. Ask Holy Spirit to teach you how to fear Yahweh again and release you from the fear of men to restore your faith in Him.

KEY 2 – Treasure 3 Revealed:


During the late 1970/80’s it was the end of the “Yahshua Revolution”. In those years there were miracles on miracles all over the globe. Then the “Grace teachings” came in and those teachings drove away the “Fear of Yahweh”. Interesting enough, I realize it was also a season where the believers entered the wilderness: 1980 – 2020. It was a period of 40 years. Yahshua sowed me a picture of a “people” who went through the Yahshua Revolution, entered the wilderness for 40 years and now standing on the brink of this heavenly, big, final move of Yahweh to be restored with the FEAR OF YAHWEH.

2020 – 2030 “Is the Decade of the Mouth”. The period we came out of the wilderness and need to stand in the Fear of YAHWEH and make the awakening sound! (Matthew 25:5) Interesting that Satan tried to silence us at the beginning of the Decade of the Mouth? I hope you see this in the Spirit and realise that even he knows that this is a season where we need to awake the 10 sleeping virgins. 5 of them will be without the fear of YAHWEH and will keep on with their sinful, fleshly, unmatured, faithless lives.

The only thing that produces holiness, is the Fear of YAHWEH.

Paul reveals this secret in 2 Corinthians 7:9 “Therefore, since we have these [great and wonderful] promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, completing holiness [living a consecrated life – a life set apart for YAHWEH’s purpose] in THE FEAR OF YAHWEH.”  The only fear we need is the fear to be without YAHWEH. Because without Him WE ARE LOST. Without HIM there is no purpose for us to live. Without HIM we are just living an unfulfilled life with no destiny, no purpose, and no future.

To have the Fear of YAHWEH in you, is part of your journey to holiness. In Psalm 19:9 David wrote that the Fear of YAHWEH is CLEAN and endures forever. “The fear of YAHWEH is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of YAHWEH are true, they are righteous altogether.” If you are striving to holiness and you have the Fear of YAHWEH in you, then you will “endure forever”.  

YAHWEH will take you “out” if you do not have the Fear of YAHWEH. Satan lost his fear of YAHWEH, and he was kicked out of heaven. Adam and Eve lost their fear of YAHWEH and was kicked out of Eden. But if you have the Fear of YAHWEH on your paths of holiness, then you will be safe and will endure forever.

KEY 2 – Treasure 4 Revealed:


For so many generations we were deceived by the old serpent and deceiver about this BIG ANOINTED TREASURE of THE FEAR OF YAHWEH. He knew if he takes away the fear of YAHWEH, he will also destroy our ANOINTED, SUPERNATURAL WISDOM. The wisdom giant in the Bible, wise Solomon said in Proverbs 9:10 “The Fear of YAHWEH is the BEGINNING OF WISDOM: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” It is the dear of YHWH that will lead one to heartfelt repentance that will in turn lead to knowledge, wisdom understanding and instruction. Without the Fear of YHWH, the pride of man will rule in his heart. (Pro 16:18, Pro 29:23) Part of this journey of returning to YAHWEHS’s Ancient Paths is to restore the FEAR OF YAHWEH. By restoring the fear of YAHWEH, we will begin receiving the Wisdom of YAHWEH.

YAHWEH has always selected the insignificant things of the word for His purpose. If we look closely into the Scripture and “see between the lines” we will notice that 95% of the Biblical characters were not super intelligent. They were normal fisherman, shepherds, craftsmen, blacksmiths, carpenters, coppersmiths, farmers, or they were breeding and tending animals. For those occupations, they didn’t need a Batchelors- or Doctors Degree. YAHWEH always select those normal people (and still selecting the same type of people in every generation) and use them in a mighty way, for the plain and simple reason: For HIS GLORY. YAHWEH give wisdom to the unwise, He gives revelation to the unknown, and He opens the unseen to those who seek His wisdom.


“Wisdom is a GIFT FROM A GENEROUS YAHWEH, and every word He speaks is FULL OF REVELATION and becomes a FOUNTAIN OF UNDERSTANDING within you.” (Proverbs 2:6)

In my book “YAHWEH’s Fountain of Understanding” you can read more about the Wisdom of YAHWEH revealed out of His hands. To order your book go to the following link: or go to for more info.

If you have the fear of YAHWEH inside of you, He will give you, His wisdom. That is a heavenly gift. As you draw closer to Him, He will reveal more and more wisdom to you. He will unpack it layer after layer and He will reveal His wisdom to you in ways you never expected, in ways that the foolish world will not understand, but you will. The fear of YAHWEH is indeed the beginning of wisdom as Solomon stated. His wisdom is a supernatural wisdom that you will only understand if you are standing with fear of YAHWEH in front of Him. He wants to give you this wisdom directly out of HIS hands and not from a teacher, pastor, prophet, or preacher. Wisdom is a gift from a generous YAHWEH and He wants to give it to you directly out of His Kingdom treasures.

KEY 2 – Treasure 5 Revealed:


YAHWEH is calling all people everywhere to repent. YAHWEH overlooked and disregarded the former ages of ignorance; but now He commands all people everywhere to repent, to change their old way of thinking, to regret their past sins, and to seek YAHWEH’s purpose for their lives. He has set a day when He will judge the inhabited world in righteousness by a Man who He has appointed and destined for that task, and He has provided credible proof to everyone by raising Him from the dead.

The spirit of fearlessness is keeping generations from repenting. There are generational courses over every family, in every bloodline all over the world. Nobody hears the truth in the pulpits in religion streams about repenting and the freedom of repentance. The fearlessness in their hearts is the stumbling block to not repent. Less and less preachers and teachers will have a “repentance message”. It is a hard word. It is a word that hits home. It is a word nobody wants to hear.


There is a reason why the religion stream preacher/teacher will sidestep the “repent message”. It’s like Pharmacia keeping the people dependent on medicine. If they keep everyone sick, the people will come back for more pills and treatments. The same is happening in the religious circles. If the false teachers keep the people away of repentance, they are dependent to come back to a dying church for more empty teachings and words that are soothing for the ears and a feel-good treatment with a coffee in the hand before leaving for home. They need you to come back next week to fill the offering bags again. They don’t help you or lead you to repentance, so why go back?

When Yahshua wrote a note with His finger in the ground while the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, He said to her in John 8:11 “I do not condemn you either. GO. FROM NOW ON AND SIN NO MORE.” He didn’t say: “My grace is enough for you just keep on doing what you are busy enough”? NO! He said GO AND SIN NO MORE – REPENT!  Finish with your old habits, get rid of your worldly mindset, break with the evil deeds of death and sin no more! Stop what you are doing that lead to Spiritual death!

Let’s be enthusiastic to repent. Let’s be eager to stop with our worldly way of thinking and our sinful behaviour like unbelievers. Let’s demonstrate our repentance with new behaviour so that it will prove that we are believers of YAHWEH and that we make conscious decisions to turn away from a sinful life and seek HIS will in everything.

“I, as many as I love, I rebuke, and I chasten. Be zealous, then, and REPENT.” (Revelation 3:19)

“So, remember and take to heart the lessons you have received and heard. Keep and obey them, and repent [change your sinful way of thinking, and demonstrate your repentance with new behaviour that proves a conscious decision to turn away from sin]. So then, if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.” (Revelation 3:3)

“So, then believers, we who are born again – reborn from above spiritually transformed, renewed and set apart for His purpose, are not children of a slave woman [the natural], but of the free woman [the supernatural].” Galatians 4:31


“And your life shall be in DOUBT before you, and you shall FEAR day and night and shall have no assurance of your life. (Deut 28:66)

The Word “doubt” here is implied, as in Ancient Hebrew there is no actual word for doubt. Doubt is a HORRIBLE PLAGUE that will lead to UNCERTAINTY and FEAR and also TORMENT. This “plague” is the opposite of faith and the acronym for fear is:





Fear is from Satan and is only bringing torment to a person. Fear appears 431 times in the Amplified Bible, but all we need is THE FEAR OF YAHWEH and we learn in Job 4:6 that our FEAR IF YAHWEH is our CONFIDENCE and that our HOPE is the integrity of our ways.





Shalom, Mattaniah

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