FRIDAY: June 7, 2024 / Sivan 1, 5994
Yesterday we talked about Yahshua ascending to Heaven and I could just imagine that there was a huge celebration in Heaven when He returned and was seated on the right hand of Yahweh
Just imagine that heavenly celebration welcoming back the King of Kings!
Exactly 10 days after Yahshua ascended into Heaven the Fire of the Holy Spirit was released. I also can imagine how excited Yahshua and Yahweh were in these 10 days ahead of Pentecost/Shavuot, knowing with What or Whom they want to bless us with.
Leviticus 23:9-22 tells us of the next Holy Day season, Pentecost or in Hebrew, Shavuot. Pentecost reminds us of the *giving* of the Holy Spirit to the 1st century church in Acts 2, and also the 2nd Pentecost when Yahweh will again work with the children of Israel and give them a new heart. (Jer 31:31-34) That is why when the first Omer (first ripe grain) was offered during Unleavened Bread (Yahshua was the fulfilment of that Omer to Yahweh at the Resurrection), it was made into two leavened loaves for Pentecost, which represented one loaf for the New Testament congregation (Sons of Ephraim / Gentiles) and one loaf for Israel (Jews).
Jewish tradition states that the 10 Commandments were given on Pentecost (the letter of the law), and the Holy Spirit (Spirit of the law) was also given on this day. The Apostles continued to keep this festival after the Resurrection of Yahshua. (1 Cor 16:8)
3rd Biblical Month
Today, on day 41 of the Omer, marks the 1st day of the 3rd Biblical month SIVAN. So blow your shofars to announce the beginning of this new month!
Sivan is an exciting month, filled with gifts from heaven and a month of giving. A month of great provision. We learn through this month that Yahweh delights in prospering His people so that we can be His hands of mercy to touch others. We are blessed to be a blessing.
This is also the month to walk out into our promises that have been declared over our lives.
This is a month of two powerful celebrations! Shavuot, the giving of the Torah and Pentecost, the giving of the Holy Spirit.
To listen to a full teaching of the month of Sivan, click on the below link:
I was able to finish my feedback regarding my 1st visit to the Holy Land on my blog and you are welcome to read it on this link:
Happy preparation day!
Everyday counts, if you count every day.
Shalom, Mattaniah