YAHWEH, RAPHA, ELOHIM, SHADDAI, JIREH, ADONAI will manifest Himself. Your glory is tangible in this place, You are doing something great – AWAKE SUPERNATURAL FAITH. If I worship Him, He will manifest Himself, if I speak He will manifest Himself, if I call Him He will manifest Himself, if I seek Him He will manifest Himself, if I obey Him He will manifest Himself, if I operate in his will, He will manifest Himself.

Just for the record, this will be my first time to visit the Holy Land and if I ask Yahweh for confirmations about anything, I will wait for three confirmations then I will know it is in His will and I will act accordingly.

The first time that Sonja asked me if I would pray for confirmation to join her to Israel, I immediately felt in my heart to be there for the first time over Pesach, but she felt that we need to go earlier because she had an urgency in her heart to go as quickly as possible. The search for cheap flight tickets begun and on 13 February 2024 she accidentally typed dates in the flight search for 17 April in stead of 17 March and it kicked out the cheapest flight rate yet!  After discussing it with me, we decide to go for 17 April – 2 May 2024, exactly 64 days before we will leave for Israel and it also will be during Pesach.


The numeric association of this number can be calculated by adding 4 (material completeness) to sixty (outward reflection) which can mean that Yahweh is glorified by the material goods of man. It can also be calculating by multiplying eight (8×8) by eight which is an emphasis of resurrecting the NEW MAN with a PURE HEART. This was already confirmation for the commission with the Scripture in Ephesians 2:15 of the ONE NEW MAN, but the number 64 focused on the PURE HEART:

“And I shall give them ONE (echad) HEART, and I will put a new spirit within you. And I will remove the STONY HEART out of their flesh, and I will give them a HEART OF FLESH, so that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgements, and do them. And they shall be to Me for a people, and I will be to them an Elohim.

And as to those whose heart is going after their hateful things, and also their heart is after their DISGUSTING IDOLS, I will give their way on their heads, declare Adonai YAHWEH. Then the CHERUBS lifted up their wings, and the WHEELS were beside them. And the GLORY OF THE ELOHIM of Israel was over them from above. And the GLORY OF YAHWEH went up from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain which is on the east of the city.” (Ezekiel 11:19-23)

Yahweh’s presence moved to the MOUNT OF OLIVES, the place where Yahshua was crucified, buried, resurrected and ascended to Heaven (Act 1:8-12) and where He will return to earth (Zec 14:3-4). Keep this above Scripture in mind, because within these verses there are a mystery locked inside and YAHWEH will reveal it in this commission. 

The Number 64 also stands for THE TRUTH and the truth will set us free (John 8:32). It is the confirmation that Yahshua is THE TRUTH and the number 64 is also symbolic of someone what is speaking the TRUTH.


  1. GALATIANS 2:1-5

Early one morning I asked Yahweh to give me a Scripture with a name of one of the cities in Israel, to confirm my commission to Israel and He gave me Galatians 2:1-5.

“Then through FOURTEEN YEARS, I again went up to JERUSALEM with Barnabas, also taking Titus with me. I went up because I was in a revelation, and I made known to them the Good News that I preached among the nations. I then explained to those who were considered to be something (great) among themselves, lest I laboured in vain, or should labour. But it was because of those false brothers who were brought in unbeknown to us, who stole in to spy on our freedom which we have in Messiah Yahshua, they desiring to enslave us, to whom not even for an hour did we yield subjection, that the truth of the good news might continue with you.”


2024 minus 14 = 2010 >> During 2010 I went for my first outreach to India. I was also sent with a commission 14 years ago and exactly 14 years later, Yahweh is sending me with another commission and this time to Israel and my commission will be in Jerusalem, confirmed with Gal 2:1-5.


In the past 12 months Yahweh revealed to me His Ancient Path and I am walking in a new revelation. If I went to Israel 12 months earlier, I would not have this revelation in me.


I was invited as tour guide in 2023 to take in a group to Israel and the tour agency would cover all my expenses. End of April 2023 I withdraw as tour guide for various reasons that Yahweh pointed out and He said, if He send me to Israel for the first time, it will not be for a historically tour and doing site visits as all the other tour groups – it will be for a commission! So, I obeyed and withdrew from this tour and waited.

Also take note of the fact that Paul in the above verse were not in a group, it was only him, Barnabas and Titus. With this said, we are only two who will go over for this commission, like spies going in, do that we are told to do, and go out and not in a large group.


I needed to apply for a new passport because mine already expired. I think everyone know what a mission it is to apply for any document at Home Affairs. As always when you enter the building, they issue you with a ticket and on that ticket will be your number that they will call you out to start the application process. My ticket number was number 420.

In the Strong’s Concordance the nr.420 is ELDAAH and it means: YAHWEH HAS CALLED. Wow how awesome is that? I knew with this confirmation that Yahweh called me to Israel with a commission.


After our dates, 17 April – 2 May 2024, to Israel were confirmed Yahshua said I must open my old passport and look at the date stamps. Surprisingly I saw my last stamp out of India was on 17 April 2012!  Exactly 12 years later He took me out of India (I never returned after that) and called me into Israel. On the exact same date, I will go into Israel, as the date I went out of India. How specific is this confirmation? Wow I was speechless.


  1. ISAIAH 58:12

In Ancient biblical days and according Scripture, Mattaniah was a Levit who was part of the restoration group that rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. In Nehemiah 12:25 Mattaniah was also called “a gatekeeper keeping watch at the storehouses of the gates”. In Nehemiah 13:13 we learn that Mattaniah and his sons were considered faithful and reliable. Since I was reborn and started my ministry, I knew I was a rebuilder and restorer for the Kingdom. In 2004 Yahweh gave me Isaiah 58:12 “And those who come of you shall build the old ruins; you shall rear the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called REPAIRER OF THE BREACH, the RESTORER OF PATHS to live in.”

  1. ISAIAH 61:4       

My good friend, Enrich Muller, intercessor and Prophet of my ministry, gave me Scripture on 14 October 2023 from Isaiah 61:4: “And they shall build ruins; they shall raise up former desolations; and they shall RESTORE the waste cities, ruins of generations and generations.”

  1. JEREMIAH 1:10

Before the dates were confirmed to go to Israel, a few of us did the Melchizedek Fast for seven days and during the fast Yahweh gave me Jeremiah 1:10 to appoint me to this commission: “Behold, I have appointed you over nations and over kingdoms to ROOT OUT, TEAR DOWN, DESTROY, TO THROW DOWN, TO BUILD AND TO PLANT.” This verse goes over to the next where Yahweh told Jeremiah about the ALMOND ROD and in verse 12, He said: “you have seen well; for I will watch over my word to perform it.” We will see later how Yahweh brough the Almond Rod also into this commission because in my book, ENDTIME WATCHMAN my intro is about the watchman and the almond rod that also refers to Jeremiah 1:11.

  1. JEREMIAH 51:20

While I was researching about a Mattah stick I received, Yahweh showed me Jeremiah 51:20 that supernaturally linked with the previous scriptures: “You are my WAR CLUB and WEAPON OF WAR, for with you I will shatter NATIONS and with you will DESTROY KINGDOMS.”

With this in mind, I knew there is something in this commission that needs to be root out, tear down, destroyed, thrown down and then to be rebuild.



“For He is our peace, who has made both one (echad) and has broken down the wall of SEPERATION between them, in His flesh He has caused to cease the enmity due to the (man-made) laws in regulations that He might in Himself create the two into ONE NEW MAN making peace, and He reconciled both in one body to Elohim and destroyed the enmity through the crucifixion.” (Ephesians 2:14-16)

There was a literal separation wall at the temple or sanctuary of YHWH, that separated the Jews from the Gentiles. Due to the House of Israel being so long in diaspora they had to stay on the other side of the wall in the court of the Gentiles.

The word “regulations” in Ephesians 2:15 is not the word for the Torah. In Greek it is “dogma” which are man-made laws and regulations made up by rabbis, separating the exiled Israelites. In verse 16 we read that through Messiah whether one is a Jew an Israelite or a Gentile, they are all ONE IN HIM. Once one become a believer in Yahshua, he would not be considered a Gentile any longer, or even a Messianic Jew, but a Messianic Israelite. Yahshua who is doing a new thing, has made all into ONE UNTO HIMSELF.

“..for you are all sons of Yahweh through faith in Yahshua Messiah. For as many as were immersed into Messiah, you put on Messiah. There cannot be Jew nor Greek, there is no slave nor freeman, there is no male and female; for you are all ONE IN YAHSHUA the Messiah. And if you are of Messiah then you are a SEED of Abrahameven heirs according to promise.” (Gal 3:26-29)


With all the above commission confirmation and the commission Scriptures in my hand, I had to figure out what wall needs to be rooted out or teared down and then repaired.

Israel is surrounded by walls and many of these walls are already rooted out and teared down. Yahshua self said in Matthew 24:2 “But Yahshua said to them, ‘Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, there will not at all be left ONE STONE ON A STONE which in no way will not be THROWN DOWN.”With this said by Yahshua Himself, what wall is the Wailing Wall then? If this prophecy from Yahshua Himself came in fulfilment and everything was destroyed in 70AD, in front of what wall does the Jews stand for hours and pray and bow before it and slide prayer requests into the cracks and openings?

There are a lot of confusion, disagreements and fights about this Wailing Wall. Some claimed that it was a part of the outer Western wall of the Second Temple. Others say it was part of the Fortress of Antonia. Others again say the Wailing Wall was not part of the Temple – it was part of the Temple Mount – and a giant retaining wall for the courtyard on which the Temple sat. So, what is the truth?

The First Temple was built by King Solomon in the 10th century BCE, and destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The Second Temple was built 70 years later, enlarged during the first century BCE by Herod, and destroyed by the Romans in the year 70AD. The Dome of the Rock and Al-Aksa Mosque were constructed on the Temple Mount site in the late seventh century.

Here I am standing at the Wailing Wall


One morning as I woke up, I saw the Wailing Wall on fire and destroyed by a bomb and I knew this wall is the one that needs to be rooted out, tear down, destroyed and thrown down. No matter if the Wailing Wall was part of the outer Western wall of the Second Temple, or part of the Fortress of Antonia or part of a retaining wall for the courtyard, it is an idol in Yahweh’s eyes! An idol where Jews and Christians come and bow and pray in front of and even leave pray requests in the openings!!

Without sharing this vision I had about the burning Wailing Wall with anyone, the same day one of my very good friends and also one of my intercessors, Yolande de Kock, told me she heard the words “hitting the wall” the whole time and she saw the number 51 everywhere that day. Later she sent me a message out of Hebrew Strongs 51 = “Abishur” which means “MY FATHER IS A WALL”! Right there I knew it was the revelation I needed. Our Father, Yahweh, it THE ONLY WALL we can bow before and worship and give our prayer requests for. Not a cold, lifeless stone wall in the middle of Jerusalem that stands like an idol in front of everyone! The Wailing Wall must come down!

“Behold, I have carved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are always before Me.” (Isaiah 49:16)


Four days before we depart for Israel, on Shabbat April 13, 2024 Iran attacked Israel with multitude missiles. Airports were closed for all international flights and the iron dome was activated. Sirens went off all over Israel. Are we still going or not?


Our flights were not cancelled and we felt if Yahweh is keeping the flight schedules open, then we are going. He reminded me of 1 Corinthians 4:9-10 where He pointed out that He will send out the Apostles last and that is exactly what we are going in for. When I woke up on April 15th, (Two days before lift-off) I asked Yahweh to confirm to me if I still have to go and I heard “I am testing your faith. I am your Father”, and I knew that we have to push through, stand in faith and go. Later that day I sold some of my books and my bank account stood on a back-to-back number 48/84.

I paged through the Book “Hearing Yahweh: Numbers Dictionary” to Nr.48 and the following was written: Symbolic of the beginning of a road of faith as expressed by the forty-eight (fullness of privilege) boards of the Tabernacle held together by five (grace) bars. It can also represent the TESTING OF YOUR FAITH in Yahshua (1 Pet 5:9)

Then I paged over to Nr.84 “This number symbolises a father of fatherhood and refers to Yahweh as our FATHER.    Do I need to say more?


Wessel Kotzee painted a beautiful portrait during the TIME TO RISE event in Bloemfontein in October 2023. When I saw it, I knew it was part of the mystery I need to discover for this Israel commission. The elements Wessel used and the detail was just extraordinary.

Please contact Wessel Kotzee @ +27 72 142 7600 if you would like to purchase this painting
  1. TIME SET AS 23:59:59

On the bottom of this portrait Wessel added a time setting of 23:59:59, just a second away from MIDNIGHT.

During the Burning Ones Conferences and teachings, I always referred to the following Scripture: “And at MIDNIGHT, a cry occurred, behold! The Bridegroom comes! Go out to meet Him!” (Matt 24:6) because the Burning Ones are the Midnight Shouters. They are the remnant that needs to awake the 10 virgins. That is why the time set 23:59:59 is such a nice confirmation on this commission. IT IS TIME!

“Blow the ram’s horn in Zion, and SHOUT AN ALARM in my holy mountain. Let all those living in the land tremble, for the day of YAHWEH approaches; it is very near.” (Joel 2:1) This Scripture is part of the ROAR OF FIRE prophecy and I knew when Yahweh gave me this scripture for the commission, I had to blow my ram’s horn in Zion to shout the alarm in Jerusalem!

  1. CLOCK SET ON 9h00

From the time set 23:59:59 in a spiral upwards movement, there are 4 wheels into each other (refer to Eze 11:23), propelling to a clock set on 9h00. Yahshua was crucified between the third and the sixth hour, that is, between nine and twelve o’clock. And he died soon after the ninth hour, that is, between three and four o’clock in the afternoon. The Jews measure days from nightfall to nightfall.        

“And about the NINTH HOUR, Yahshua cried out with a loud voice saying Elo, Eli, lama shabakthani; this is, My El, My El, why did You honour Me to be here?” (Matt 27:46)

This verse has been greatly misquoted as the original Aramaic can mean to forsake in a bad way, but also can mean to leave in a good way, such as if you were an owner of a company and had to go away and left someone very trusted to care for your business while you are gone. From Isaiah 61:1-9 we see that ONLY MESSAIH QUALIFIED TO REDEEM ISRAEL and it is stating here the honour given to Him for His perfect life and sacrifice on the NINTH HOUR as portrayed in the painting.


22 APRIL 2024

Is this DATE just coincidences or what? NO! It was planned all along by Yahweh in absolutely perfect detail! Exactly on this day and month two years back, I hosted the first Burning Ones Conference in McGregor on 24 April 2022, 24 months after I had a dream of the number 24 in 2020. Now, again exactly 24 months later, I will be in Israel on 24 April 2024 executing the commission. How is that for perfect timing from Yahweh?

The Wailing Wall must go down because the breach in the wall is the Jews rejecting the Message of Salvation and only Messiah is qualified to redeem Israel and they are praying in front of a cold stone wall and practicing idolatry. YAHWEH is our “Wall” and we may only bow before Him and worship Him.

I need to be at the Wailing Wall on 14 Aviv (22 April 2024) between 9h00 – 12h00 (Matt 27:46-54 / Exo 12:3,5-11), the same time Yahshua was crucified and proclaim and prophecy that this lifeless dead stone Wailing Wall will crumble away and will be destroyed in the Spirit as an idol worship structure.  



Ephesians 2:14-16

For He is our peace, who has made both ONE (echad), and has broken down the WALL OF SEPERATION between them, in His flesh He has caused to cease the enmity due to the (man-made) laws in regulations, that the might in Himself create the two into ONE NEW MAN, making peace and He reconciled both in ONE BODY to Elohim and destroyed the enmity through the crucifixion.”

Ezekiel 11:19-23

“And I shall give them ONE (echad) HEART, and I will put a new spirit within you. And I will remove the STONY HEART out of their flesh, and I will give them a HEART OF FLESH, so that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgements, and do them. And they shall be to Me for a people, and I will be to them for Elohim.

And as to those whose heart is going after their hateful things, and also their heart is after their DISGUSTING IDOLS, I will give their way on their heads, declare Adonai YAHWEH. Then the CHERUBS lifted up their wings, and the WHEELS were beside them. And the GLORY OF THE ELOHIM of Israel was over them from above. And the GLORY OF YAHWEH went up from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain which is on the east of the city.” (Ezekiel 11:19-23)

Zechariah 2:5

“And I will be to her A WALL OF FIRE all around and I will be for GLORY IN HER MIDST, declares YAHWEH.”

  1. SONG:

Yahweh will manifest Himself






  1. ACTION:

Walk 7 times around / in front of the Wailing Wall (Joshua 6:1-27)

  1. OUTFIT:

Burning One Jacket with 4 tzitzits, 8 bells and 8 pomegranates inside (Priestly), black pants, shoes and top – (beauty out of the ashes) – confirmed by Yolande dd 12/04/2024 with black rose image. Burning One Key inside jacket pocket. (FIRE FLAGS)


  1. GRAPES (right side of wall of Wessel’s painting)

And no man puts new wine into old wineskins lest the wine burst the wineskins, and the wineskins are destroyed and the wine is poured out. Rather, they put new wine into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:22)

The grape in this commission image is a “shadow” of the NEW WINE the Jews need to be filled with. The question at hand in this verse is why Yahshua’s disciples do not follow the tradition of the Pharisees? The point that Yahshua is making here is that if we are going to be led into NEW TRUTH by the Holy Spirit, then we must be pliable to be able to stretch our thinking. The Pharisees, due to their oral traditions, were already completely expanded to their limit of thinking and could not grasp any further ideas.

It is exactly the same case with the Jews of today all around the world, but specifically in Israel at the Wailing Wall. They need supernatural faith to stretch their way of thinking because their old wineskins need to burst and need to be destroyed so that the old wine can be poured out and then they need to be filled with new wine into new wineskins.

  1. HUMAN HEART (left side of wall of Wessel‘s painting)

“And I shall give them ONE (echad) HEART, and I will put a new spirit within you. And I will remove the STONY HEART out of their flesh, and I will give them a HEART OF FLESH, so that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgements, and do them. And they shall be to Me for a people, and I will be to them an Elohim.”

(Eze 11:19-20) This verse is a confirmation that I already received on the 64 days countdown as mentioned above.


A:           The Wailing Wall must go down because the breach in the wall is the Jews rejecting the Message of Salvation and only Messiah is qualified to redeem Israel and they are praying in front of a cold stone wall and practicing idolatry. YAHWEH is our “Wall” and we may only bow before Him and worship Him.

B:           They practicing Judaism and Kabbalah,

C:           They have hearts of stone,

D:           They have old wineskins filled with old wine.


“For no one is able to lay any other foundation beside the ONE having been laid, who is Yahshua Messiah.” (1 Cor 3:11) Yahshua is the only Foundation and the only “Pillar” that will uphold us. In front of the temple was also two pillars at the entrance.



The Kapporeth (Mercy Seat) was made of pure gold with two golden cherubs facing each other with their wings stretched out as if they wanted to give COVER. See Isaiah 6:2 Seraphim were angelic beings such as cherubs. The word “Seraph” comes from the verb “To Burn” and these were representatives of YHWH used for cleansing (Num21:6).

In Exodus 25:22 we read what YAHWEH said: “And I will meet you there, and will speak with you, above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubs which are on the ark of testimony, all which I shall command you as to the sons of Israel.” The only time this would take place in Ancient Israel was on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, when the high priest would sprinkle the blood of a lamb on the Kapporeth and was offered yearly on this day, as the most holy day of the year, attending to COVER the sins of the nation for one more year.

Recently one morning Yahshua woke me up at 4:00am, telling me to read Romans 4:4-8.

“Now to one working, the reward is not counted according to grace, but according to debt. But to the one not working, but believing on Him justifying sinners, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as also David says of the blessedness of the man to whom Elohim counts righteousness apart from works; “Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven, and those whose sins are COVERED; blessed is the man to whom YAHWEH will in no way charge sin.” (HRB)

While reading this Scripture, the word “COVERED” was luminating from the page and as I stared at the page, my eye saw another word luminating on the previous page under the “footnote” Nr4 (again a 4) with the Hebrew word “KAPPORETH”. In the footnote there is written: ‘Kapporeth was the COVER of the Ark of Covenant’ and the Scripture attached to that footnote is Romans 3:25 “..whom YAHWEH set forth as a sacrifice of ATONEMENT (Kapporeth – to COVER) through faith in His blood, as a demonstration of His righteousness through the remission of our sins that are past, in forbearance of Elohim, (v26) for a demonstration of His righteousness in the present time, for His being just and justifying the one that is of the faith of Yahshua.” (HRB)

The same Hebrew word is also found in Leviticus 16:2 “And YAHWEH said to Moses, speak to your brother Aaron, and he shall not come in at all times to the sanctuary within the veil, to the front of the mercy-seat.” Kapporeth, coming from the word for the day of Yom Kippur, meaning to COVER. The kapporeth was the actual cover of the ark (Exo 25:17) and where the priest sprinkled the blood to atone for the people on this day. The same word used in Rom 3:25 for ‘a sacrifice for atonement’ referring to Yahshua’s sacrifice for sin. Undoubtedly, this was the connection the Apostle Paul was trying to make in Romans 4.

The Kapporeth (Mercy Seat) was made of pure gold with two golden cherubs facing each other with their wings stretched out as if they wanted to give COVER.

The full Kapporeth teaching is on this link:



This reveals the second part of the commission’s location:

“And the GLORY OF THE ELOHIM of Israel was over them from above. And the GLORY OF YAHWEH went up from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain which is on the east of the city.” (Ezekiel 11:23) Yahweh’s presence moved to the MOUNT OF OLIVES, the place where Yahshua was crucified, buried, resurrected and ascended to Heaven (Act 1:8-12) and where He will return to earth (Zec 14:3-4).

Then they returned to Jerusalem FROM THE MOUNT being called OF OLIVE GROVE, which is near Jerusalem..” (Acts 1:12

“And YAHWEH shall go out and fight those nations, like the day He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day on the MOUNT OF OLIVES, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the MOUNT OF OLIVES shall divide from its middle, from the east even to the west, a very great valley. And half of the mountain shall move toward the north, and half of I toward the south.” (Zec 14:3-4)

The Mount of Olives is on the top right-hand side of this image


One morning Yahweh pointed to Nehemiah 3 because the chapter tells a story of builders of a wall and while I was reading through this chapter my eye caught the words “Miphkad Gate” in verse 31. The Miphkad Gate referred to in Nehemiah 3:31 was located on the east wall, North of the East Gate leading to the Temple. The Miphkad Gate opened onto the road leading up the MOUNT OF OLIVES just North of the place where the bodies were burned.  “After him Malchiah the goldsmith’s son made strong the place of the Temples-slaves and of the merchants, before the MIPHKAD GATE, and to going up to the corner.” (Nehemiah 3:31)

This gate is reported to be between the Eastern Gate and the Northeast corner of the wall. This gate was also known as the “Prison Gate”, “Inspection Gate”, or “Gate of Judgement”. The “Inspection Gate” is only found in 3 other Scriptures: 2 Samuel 24:9, 1 Chronicles 21:5 where it means: Numbering of Mustering (preparing for battle) and in Ezekiel 43:21 where it means: “The Appointed place for the sin offering to be burned.”

The Elders sat at this gate judging and rendering decisions in matters brought before them.  Spiritually speaking, the Muster- or Inspection Gate can be a reminder for every believer of the time when we will stand before the Bema Seat, Inspection or Judgement Seat of the Messiah as Scripture tells us in Romans 14:10-12. When Yahshua returns there will be a judgement and it is very likely that He will Judge from this gate.

“And he touched my mouth, and said, see this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin is covered” (Isaiah 6:7) The sin was covered as on Yom Kippur but not removed. They can only be removed when the penalty is paid.

The Inspection Gate
<Neh 3:31 & Neh 12:39>

“After him Malchijah, one of the goldsmiths, made repairs as far as the house of the Nethinim and of the merchants, in front of the Miphkad Gate, and as far as the upper room at the corner. And between the upper room at the corner, as far as the Sheep Gate, the goldsmiths and the merchants made repairs.”
Nehemiah 3:31-32. This gate of the sanctuary led across the Kidron Valley to the Miphkad Altar where the Red Heifers were sacrificed. The final gate is the inspection gate, also called The Prison Gate, Miphkad Gate, Muster Gate and Gate of the Gathering. The words “appointed place” in the Hebrew is the word “miphqad.” Miphqad comes from the verb ‘paqad’ which means ‘to number’. The gate of the city that led to the “appointed place” was called the Miphkad Gate. 

The Miphkad Gate (referred to in Nehemiah 3:31) was located on the east wall just north of the east gate leading to the Temple. The Miphkad Gate opened onto the road leading up the Mount of Olives just north of the place where the bodies were burned. 

This road led to the Miphkad, or “appointed place,” where people registered for the Temple tax. Each person [head count] was taxed at this location. The word “Golgotha,” used in the Gospels to describe the place of the crucifixion, is an Aramaic word which suggests this area of registry known as Miphkad. The related Hebrew word bears the same meaning. It is ‘gulgoleth’, which means “skull, head, or poll.” It is a head count.

‘And the silver of them that were numbered [paqad, to appoint or number] of the congregation was hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred and threescore and fifteen shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary: A bekah for every man [gulgoleth, head], that is half a shekel, after the shekel of the sanctuary, for every one that went to be numbered [paqad]…’
Exodus 38:25-26 

In the time of Yahshua, this place of numbering, or registration, for the Temple tax was called Golgotha. This was the Miphkad area on the Mount of Olives east of the Temple and near the place outside the city where the bodies of sacrifices were burned. This gate also speaks to us of the bema seat of Yahshua where our lives are inspected and rewarded appropriately. Scripture teaches that at the Second Coming of the Messiah, angels will gather Yahweh’s elect:

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
“And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Matt 24:29-31

At this gathering, the saints will be rewarded according to their faithfulness in doing Yahweh’s will for them:

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all his goods. But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Matt 24:45-51

In our Christian experience we should be living with this in mind. We are called to live our lives with eternity in view, caring more for the things of eternity than the temporal that we see around us.  We need to hear Yahshua’s marching orders for us at the Water Gate, ride through the Horse Gate to carry out these orders in His strength, looking always to His return through the East Gate.

Prophetically Miphkat gate also speaks of the judgement of the nations that takes place when Yahshua returns. This is recorded in the sheep and the goats judgement in Mathew 25:31-46.  


This last gate, the Miphkad Gate, is a culmination of all the gates. If we have all the Priority, Purity and Power Gates in place and we are actively seeking the Second Coming of Yahshua, we will be rewarded for our faithfulness at the Miphkad Gate. We will receive an incorruptible inheritance and will rule and reign with Yahshua for a thousand years on earth (Revelation 20:4).


This gate is also on the Eastern side of the sanctuary led across the Kidron Valley to the MIPHKAD ALTAR where the RED HEIFERS was sacrificed.

In Numbers 19 we learn about the Red Heifer sacrifice. This Red Heifer had to be without spot or blemish and had to be killed outside of the camp. The ashes of the Red Heifer will then be collected and put in water. This water was then use to ritually cleanse a person who has become defiled by a corps and purifying the “tent of meeting”.

“…. a red Heifer, without blemish, in which there is no blemish, on which no yoke ever came. And you shall give her to Eleazar the priest, and she shall be brought forth OUTSIDE THE CAMP; and she shall be slaughtered before his face.”

(Numbers 19:2-3)

The sacrifice of the Red Heifer points to Yahshua. He also was without spot or blemish and he was crucified outside the city gates just like the Red Heifer was killed outside the camp. The ashes represent the Blood of Yahshua, which takes away our defilement and makes us clean. He bore our defilement to make us undefiled. Yahshua gave us beauty for ashes. (Isaiah 6:13) The Red Heifer came to atone for the sin of the Golden Calf just like Yahshua came as Atonement for our sins!

The Jews know if they have to rebuild the 3rd Temple, they urgently need Red Heifers. For 2000 years there were no Red Heifers found, until three years ago in Texas. There are now 4 Red Heifers in Jerusalem, nearly ready to be sacrificed. A Red Heifer will be considered mature at a minimum age of three years.


On April 4th 2024, the Temple Institute officially submitted a request to the Israeli police to allow the slaughter of the Red Heifer in the MOUNT OF OLIVES near Al-Aqsa Mosque on April 22, 2024. Well, is this a coincidence or what? Or should I say a confirmation?


I need to be on the MOUNT OF OLIVES on 22 April 2024 / Aviv 14 / Nisan 14 before the NINTH HOUR (15h00)




ISAIAH 62:10-12

ISAIAH 63:1-8

1 PETER 1:18-21

  1. SONG:

Yahshua / “There is Honey in the Rock”









  1. ACTION:

Blow the Ram’s Horn 8 times – new beginnings

Take communion

  1. OUTFIT:

Burning One Jacket with 4 tzitzits, 8 bells and 8 pomegranates inside (Priestly), black pants, shoes and top – (beauty out of the ashes) – confirmed by Yolande dd 12/04/2024 with black rose image. Burning One Key inside jacket pocket. (FIRE FLAGS)



Facts about the pomegranate:

  • Just as the juice of the pomegranate stains and covers the seeds, the blood of YAHEHUA covers and cleanses us.
  • They are the 5th First Fruit on the 7th biblical month.
  • They have medical properties.
  • Pomegranate seeds are said to be the number of 613, each seed represents one commandment. Strong’s Concordance Nr.613: TO HIDE OR TO CONCEAL – To hide and conceal the commandments of Yahweh inside of me covered by the blood of Yahshua.
  • They symbolize sanctity, fertility and abundance and healing.
  • The top leaves look like a crown.

A queen wears a crown and there are 5 crowns that can be obtained for the life hereafter:

  1. Crown of Life
  2. Incorruptible Crown
  3. Crown of Righteousness
  4. Crown of Glory
  5. Crown of Joy

The purpose is not to obtain a crown for the sake of a crown, but to BE that which is worthy of getting the crown placed on your head…the character. The circle of the crowns represent finishing what is started and establishing what is good and acceptable in His sight and returning to Him.

  • They have seeds that increases a thousand-fold. (Abundance)
  • They have a priestly connection. Priests wore them when they went into the Holy of Holies. “You shall make pomegranate of BLUE, PURPLE and SCARLET fabric all around it’s HEM with GOLD BELLS between them.” (Exo 28:33) Blue = Prophet, Scarlet = Priest, Purple = Kingship. These three colours represent Yahshua because He was all three – Prophet, Priest and King. The bells represent the “holy noise”.
  • Pomegranates represents the Word of Yahweh.
  • Pomegranates was on top of the pillars in front of the temple.

The names of the two pillars are:

  1. BOAZ

“AZ” means strength and “BO” means to “come” although “come” is not written like that. The “bet” before the “az” means: in, at, with, by or for. Thus, BOAZ means “Coming in Strength”. For one to come with of FOR (to bring) strength you need to be IN / already AT a place of / WITH strength.   


Coming from the verb to “prepare” / “establish”. So she is strength (rib) that prepares the way to establish something. A pillar in the community is not a saying for nothing and being a pillar in the temple of YHVH a the entrance is not only supporting and looking beautiful, but giving STRENGHT and PREPARING THE WAY (at the entrance – gate keeper) to establish the WILL of the Father.

  • It is the “holiest fruit” in Israel.
  • The “Pomegranate People” have worship and word balance.

Pomegranate Women wear their crowns with humbleness and their fruits are nutritious and delicious for all to enjoy. Her life speaks of victory and heavenly treasures are inside of her. She is filled with the wisdom of Yahweh and she walks a fearless road of complete faith.

The Proverbs 31 connect with the Pomegranate. It not only resembles abundance but is also know to present the laws and the will of the Father. Where the will (the heart of the King) is, there is life and the circle of life.



There are a few verses in the Bible regarding honey. If I hear “honey” I see “healing”. Honey also takes me back to the story of Simson when he killed the lion and came back later to find honey in the lion. It reminds me of our Lion of Judah that was killed and also have the healing inside of Him.

If Scripture points us to honey out of the rock, then we must ask ‘Who is our Rock?’. “And I would satisfy you with HONEY out of the ROCK.” (Ps 81:16) “Yahweh alone led him and there was no strange god with himHe made him ride on the high places of the earth so that he might eat the increase of the fields and He made him suck HONEY OUT OF THE ROCK.” (Deut 32:12-13) YAHSHUA IS OUR ROCK “And all drank of the Spiritual Rock flowing, and that Rock was Messiah.” (1Cor 10:4)

Israel is known for the place of MILK AND HONEY. Honey points to prosperity, healing and abundance.

SONG: “There is Honey in the Rock”



“Behold, I have today APPOINTED you over the NATIONS and over the KINGDOMS, to root out, tear down, destroy, throw down, to build and to plant. And the word of Yahweh was to me, saying “Jeremaih, what do you see?” and I said ‘ I see an ALMOND ROD.’ Yahweh said ‘You have seen well, for I will watch over My word to perform it.” (Jeremiah 1:10-12)

Quoted out of the book “ENDTIME WATCHMAN” written by Mattaniah Lochner:

The Almond tree is the first tree to blossom and yet the last to bear fruit. It is beautiful to see almond trees blossoming all over Israel every winter. The almond tree is associated with the prophet Jeremiah 1:11-12.

To order your hard copy please go to the following order link:

In Hebrew, this prophecy uses a play on words that carries a vital truth. The Hebrew word for almond, ‘Shaked’, is also translated as “to watch”. By seeing the almond branch, YAHWEH assured Jeremiah that He was watching over His word to bring it to pass, no matter the passage of time. If you are a Watchman on the wall for your family and others, you will also agree with what Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 21:8 “And he cried, A lion! YAHWEH, I always stand on my watchtower by day; and I am stationed at my post all the nights.”

Aaron’s Rod (the Budding Staff)

Rod / Staff >> Authority, leadership, sigh of miracle, sign of Yahweh’s chosen servant.


A Watchman doesn’t guard goods.  When they pray, they protect their family, others, and places from evil and danger. YAHWEH gives watchmen specific assignments – individuals, families, other believers, cities, and borders to watch over. To watch YAHWEH’s word and to see how it will come to pass.

In Biblical Israel, as throughout most of the ancient world, guards or watchmen stood in watchtowers at strategic locations, looking for enemy arrivals, and blowing the trumpet to warn of their approach. Even today, there are guard towers and stations throughout Israel manned by the Israeli Defence Forces, security guards, or residents of the village. In many ways, Believers in YAHWEH of Israel and Messiah Yahshua are also called to be watchmen.

“I have set watchmen on your walls O Jerusalem. All the day and all the night they shall not always be silent; you who remember YAHWEH, keep not silent.”  (Isaiah 62:6)

The Hebrew word for watchmen here is ‘shomerim’, from the root word shamar, which means to keep, guard, watch, and preserve. A Shomer Shabbat (literally, Guard of the Sabbath) is a person who keeps the Shabbat according to rabbinic fashion. A shomer is also a security guard in Israel, such as one who is hired to watch over a group of students going on a hike close to any border post or one who is a security guard at the entrance of a shopping mall. “And I sought among them a man to wall up a wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.”  (Ezekiel 22:30)


The Almond blossoms are a picture of the promise of fruit in our lives. Only through His Holy Spirit are we able to bear fruit when we eat His seed – The Word. The Sword is the Word. No other seed can produce Kingdom fruit. We will be known by our fruit. It is very important to see how those YAHWEH has chosen can be identified; they are fruitful. “Every branch in Me not bearing fruit, He takes away; and each one bearing fruit, He prunes, so that it may bear more fruit.” (Joh 15:2)


The Almond Tree is the 1st tree to awake in spring and the last tree to shed its leaves, thus the longest tree to ‘stay awake’. As stated about the Almond Tree in Jeremiah 1: 11-12, 
the word contains the significance of watching and hastening. The word for almond tree in Hebrew is SHA’KAD, and the word for “I will hasten” (Jer 1:12) is SHO’KED, from the same root.  The almond was the emblem of the Divine forwardness in bringing YAHWEH’s promises to pass.
Abba Father answers what an almond stands for:

It is a picture of His Word. This means “to be watchful, to remain watchful, on the lookout and alert at all times.” Ps 1:3 “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivulets of waters, which will give its fruit in its seasons, and its leaf will no wither, and all which he does will prosper.”

Abba Father has a promise and purpose for all His children. It is Good. Because of this dream of Abba Father over our lives, our enemy, Satan, prowls around to steal and destroy this plan. Through His Word and by His power and authority, we can overcome the enemy. We have the Lion of the tribe of Judah on our side. He has conquered death for us.




April 17, 2024 -leaving for ISRAEL




Have you said to YAHWEH *’send me!’* yet? He is always looking for a willing and obedient heart to send out.

No matter where you are at this moment of your life. He can use you if you are willing. You don’t have to go to Ethiopia, Mozambique or Asia to do something for Him. You can make a difference right there where you are.

Yesterday Yahweh reminded me of one of my favorite Scriptures in Isaiah and I am releasing it over you too. May Yahweh touch your lips with heavenly coals of fire and send you with His commission today and for many days ahead.

“In the year King Uzziah died, then I saw Yahweh sitting on a throne, high and lifted up.  And His train filled the temple.

Above stood the seraphim. Each one had six wings; with two he covered his face; and with two he covered his feet; and with two he flew.

And one cried to the other and said *Holy, Holy, Holy is Yahweh of Hosts; all the earth is full of His glory*.

And the door posts shook from the voice of the one who cried; and the house was filled with smoke.

Then I said, ‘Woe is me! For I am cut off; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live amongst people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, Yahweh of Hosts.

Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, snatched with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth, and said *’See, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin is covered.*

And I heard the voice of YAHWEH saying, *’Whom shall I send  and who will go for US?’*

.. then I said *HERE I AM SEND ME!*
(Isaiah 6:1-8)

April 17, 2024

Very excited I arrived at Cape Town International flights at 13h00. My flight ticket was already checked in online the previous day with “Lift” Airline: flight GE154 seat 28C at Gate C12, 17h30. 

As I arrived at the boarding check in desk at 17h30, they informed me that I was at the WRONG GATE. I missed my flight because I was at the wrong gate! When I realized I was at the wrong gate my flight already left. The “Lift” Airline didn’t have any available flights for the same night and was already fully booked.

The question was: Do I book a new flight or not? Is this maybe a sign not to go to Israel in this war zone time? Or is it the enemy trying to stop me?

I needed to make a new booking very quickly. It was a dissision that I need to do in seconds because the next flight was ready to embark in 20 minutes and if I don’t hurry, go through customs and run to the gate, I would miss the flight again.

There was only one available seat left on an Airlink flight. It was the only opportunity I had to be in time for the connecting flight in Johannesburg to Israel. What must I do? So I booked the flight! 

Airline Flight 4Z932 Seat 17D, Gate A11, leaving at 18h05. Needless to say, I was just in time and landed in Johannesburg 20h05.

I met Sonja at the Ethiopia Airline check-in desk on flight ET858 SEAT 17J, GATE A1, Boarding time 21:50 to Addis Ababa. We were on plane on time and set off over Africa to our destination.


April 18, 2024


After a night’s flight from Johannesburg we landed on Addis Ababa at 5h00 in the morning. 

We had a 5 hour lay-over and had some fresh lemon green tea on the airport. Our flight to Tel Aviv was booked with airline Ethiopia, flight number ET418, GATE A16, SEAT 17J!

Three flights straight in a row on SEAT17! 

On this flight of 5 hours I met a young man called Tal Sukenik. He is Jewish and was called up by the IDF on October 7, 2024. We start talking about the war and I shared about the Bible I am working out and took it out of my hand luggage. At that moment my eye caught my book I packed in: ENDTIME WATCHMAN, and I knew I have to give it to him. All the honor to YAHWEH. 


For many weeks I craved for fish, as the hostesses served us, there was fish on the menu! Oh wow I had fish on my way to Israel. So much favour and a huge spoil for me! Even in the small things Yahshua meet our desires.

When we arrived in Tel Aviv my hands were sweating like in high school days before an exam! I was super excited and as we landed everyone was clapping their hands. At last, I was in the Holy Land for the first time! 

Twice in Israel for the first time.

Everything went well at customs and we got our luggage, withdraw some cash and left the Airport. Just as we exit the gates, I realized I forgot my hand luggage inside the airport. There I need to go through the same procedure of customs and checking my passport to go inside the airport and get my bag. So, in one day I entered Israel twice for the first time! What an honour, privilege and blessing!

I left the small front backpack inside the airport at the luggage belt.

Then we took the train to Haifa and booked in for one night in a guesthouse.


April 19, 2024 / Aviv 9


We visited the UNESCO Chief Inaugurates square for Tolerance and Peace idol Temple, in front of The Bahai Gardens, in Heifa. There we went into spiritual warfare, closing idol gates and breaking down idol altars in the Spirit and blowing our shofars! 

This idol temple is open for all gods and all beliefs to worship under one roof. Does that sounds like an anti-christ temple to you? It has a plum line from the temple straight down with hundreds of stairs with a platform for each foreign idol god. It is mainly there for the followers of the Bahá’í Faith who return to the temple every year to worship.

In the Middle East, Haifa is known as one of the region’s most ethnically and religiously diverse cities, including Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze and Baha’is among its residents.

11h00 we checked out of our guesthouse and took the bus to Tiberias, on our way to the Sea of Galilee.

I was pleasantly surprised when we arrived in Tiberias. It has a “sea view” and surrounded with green hills. We checked into our guesthouse and immediately went to the Sea of Galilee where we went on a boat and enjoyed the water, fresh air and cloudless beautiful Tiberias.

Roof top view from our accommodation in Tiberias

A John 21 Fish

Remember the fish meal I had on the flight to Israel? As I walked along the sea of Galilee I remembered the Scripture in John 21 where Yahshua grilled a fish over flames for the disciples also at the sea of Galilee. With this image fresh in my mind i told Sonja how awesome would it be for us to get a fresh fish and also grill it over flames for us and as we walked I saw a man pulling out a fish right before my eyes from the sea of Galilee. Wow how special was that! Your thought can be answered before you even ask!


While I was thinking of Tiberias and reading in John 6 where Yahshua was with the disciples at the sea of Galilee, the Scripture points out that He was there just before PESACH. How perfect on time for me to be in Tiberias, also just before Pesach, just like Yahshua – such an honour and privileged to be where He was, to walk where He walked.

Shabbat started and all shops are closing now and everyone is inside preparing to worship Yahweh and have a Shabbat meal together in the presence of the All Mighty Elohim of Israel. 

Shabbat Shalom out of Tiberias, at the Sea of Galilee.

I’m in Jerusalem!
The emotions are uncontainable.


Day 4 & 5
We stayed in Tiberias yesterday during Shabbat. This morning I went down to The Sea of Galilee on sunrise and blowed the shofar.

Later we travelled by bus to *Bet She’an* National Park, which extends over an area of 400 acres, includes the ancient city of Bet She’an during the Roman Empire. We went to warfare on that site, closing gates and destroyed foreign god’s altars, made proclamations, worshipped, blown the shofar and flagged.

We arrived in Jerusalem just before sunset and Pesach started.

Understanding the Feasts of Yahweh is important to understand His plans. Past. Present. Future. Passover in particular holds so much meaning for the Jewish people and Christians around the world.

During the Passover, Yahweh brought His children out of Israel and we remember the mighty miracles that He displayed. With a mighty hand, He delivered His people from slavery and into the Promised Land!

It was that last and final plague of The Death Angel that saved the Israelits then and now the blood of the Lamb on the doorposts is what saves us all!

Get rid of the old hametz, so that you can be a new batch of dough, because in reality you are unleavened. For our Pesach lamb, the Messiah, has been sacrificed.
1 Corinthians 5:7

For those of us who believe, we know Yahshua fulfilled this feast. He is our Passover lamb. He was the unleavened (sinless) bread. He took our sins upon Himself and redeemed us. Through Him, we are no longer slaves to sin. At the Last Supper (Passover seder) Yahshua took the cup and announced the New Covenant!

APRIL 22, 2024
Aviv 14, 5994
Happy Passover!


Is this DATE just coincidences or what? NO! It was planned all along by Yahweh in absolutely perfect detail!

Just like Yahshua came into Jerusalem on Aviv 10th on a donkey as the unblemished Lamb (Matt 21:9) fulfilling this instruction of Yahweh to the Israelites in the New Covenant, on this exact day, Jerusalem received their Flock Animal.  Yahshua was also inspected by everyone for 4 days and exactly on Aviv 14th He was slaughtered as the unblemished flock animal foretold in Exodus 12 and sacrificed on the very day that the Israelites put blood on their doorposts.  And again, Yahweh is saying through this event *“And the blood will be a SIGN to you, on the houses where you are. And I will see the blood, and I will pass over you. And the plague shall not be on you to destroy, when I strike in the land of Egypt.”*

During the month of Aviv, the Israelites received an instruction of taking a male flock animal with no blemish on the TENTH day (Exo 12:3-5) and on the fourteenth day of this month they shall take the blood of this unblemished flock animal and put it on the doorposts of their houses. (Exo 12:6-7) Just a few verses further, verse 11, we learn that it will be called the *Passover to YAHWEH*. As He passed over the houses in Egypt He stroked every first-born that was not behind the blood washed doorposts with His judgement. *

“And the blood will be the SIGN to you, on the houses where you are. And I will see the blood, and I will pass over you. And the plague shall not be on you to destroy, when I strike in the land of Egypt.” (Exo 12:13)

In that night, behind closed doors and with blood on the doorposts, the Israelites ate the roasted flesh of this sacrificed, unblemished flock animal with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs. 

“And the day shall be a memorial for you. And you shall celebrate it as a feast to YAHWEH, for your generations. You shall celebrate is as law forever.”(Exo 12:14)

The day of Passover shall be celebrated forever. However YAHWEH has the prerogative to change the symbols of the Passover as He did in the New Covenant using bread and wine to symbolize the slain blood of the Lamb of Yah.


Exactly on this day and month two years back, I hosted the first Burning Ones Conference in McGregor on 22 April 2022, 24 months after I had a dream of the number 24 in 2020. Now, again exactly 24 months later, I will be in Israel on 22 April 2024 executing the commission. How is that for perfect timing from Yahweh?

When you are covered with the Blood of Yahshua it will be a SIGN to Yahweh because all He sees is the Blood of His Son that covered our sins and that is why Yahweh will pass over us when He strike “Egypt” (the sinful world that didn’t accept His Son as Savior and kept so many people in bondage) and will not bring this plague of judgement over us, but He will set us free with a soon coming rapture before Yahshua will open the seals of judgement over the unsuspected, foolish, stubborn, sinful world, just as in the time of Pharaoh and Egypt.

April 22 2024
Aviv 14
Day 6

Mattaniah’s Commission Nr.1

The Wailing Wall must come down!

I had to be at the Wailing Wall on April 22th / Aviv 14 between 9h – 12h (Matt 27:46-54 & Exo 12:3,5-11), the same time Yahshua was crucified, to proclaim and prophecy that this lifeless dead stone Wailing Wall will crumble and will be destroyed in the Spirit as an idol worship structure.

The Wailing Wall must come down because the breach in the Wall is the Jews rejecting the Message of Salvation and only Messiah is qualified to redeem Israel and they are praying in front of a cold stone Wall and practicing idolatry. Even millions of Christians are also visiting this site and bow before an idol wall.


One morning as I woke up, I saw the Wailing Wall on fire and destroyed by a bomb. Not one stone left on top of one another. I knew this Wall needs to be rooted out, tear down, destroyed and thrown down. 

It does not matter if the Wailing Wall was part of the outer Wester Wall of the Second Temple, or part of the Fortress of Antonia or part of a remaining Wall of the Temple’s courtyard! It stays an idol in Yahweh’s eyes! An idol where Jews and Christians come and bow and pray in front of and even leave paper written prayer requests in the Wall.

Without sharing this vision I had about the burning Wailing Wall with anyone, the same day one of my very good friends, prophet and intersesor, Yolandé de Kock, told me she heard the words “hitting the wall” the whole time and saw the number 51 everywhere that day. Later she sent me a message out of the Hebrew Strongs Concordance on Nr.51 with the word “Abishur” which means *”MY FATHER IS A WALL”* 


 Right there I knew it was the confirmation and revelation I needed. Our Father, Yahweh, is the only “WALL” we can bow before, worship and give our prayer requests for. Not a cold, lifeless stone Wall in the Middle of Jerusalem that stands like an idol in front of everyone. 

The Wailing Wall must come down!


I had to put on my Burning One mantle for this commission.  Inside the mantle I stitched 4 tzitzies on four keys that is printed on the mantle. Representing the Jews and Gentiles as ONE NEW MAN.

I proclaimed Ephesians 2:14-16 (One New Man) and Ezekiel 11:19-23 (Heart of flesh) at the Wailing Wall. We were not allowed to blow the shofars in the courters of the Wailing Wall, but just outside the gate we walked 7 times in a circle like the Israelites did at the Jericho Wall (Joshua 6:1-27) and then blew the shofar 7 times proclaiming prophetically that the Wailing wall must fall.


After that we walked on “The Last Path” through the Kidron Valley on our way to Mount Olives. That is the place where Yahweh’s presence moved (Ez 11:23), and it is the place where Yahshua was crucified, buried, resurrected and ascended to heaven (Acts 1:8-12) and where He will return to earth (Zec 14:3-4). So I needed to be there at 15h00 (ninth hour / Matt 27:46) on the time when Yahshua took His last breath and died.

On Mount Olives we stood behind a lot of graves (whole Mount Olives is surrounded by graves) and I declared Scriptures: Isaiah 49, Isaiah 62:10-12, Isaiah 63:1-8 and 1 Peter 1:18-21.  

I declared that Yahweh will manifest Himself. I declared that Yahshua’s blood that fell on this ground will resurrect supernatural faith and raise up former desolation, restore the waist cities, will build up the ruins and restore the breach of Salvation!

Yahshua is the only Repairer of the breach and only He qualify to redeem Israel!

I played the song, Honey in the Rock” and “Yahweh” while flagging and blew the shofar 8 times. (New beginnings) We could feel the glory of Yahweh, it was tangible! Sonja read out Yahweh’s names and while she did it, I could see waves of fire in the atmosphere running down the Kidron Valley confirming our declarations. IT WAS AN ANOINTED MOMENT.


We went down through the Lions Gate to the Bath of Bethesda. That is where Yahshua healed the lame man (John 5:1-9). We walked through the baths and it was an emotional walk, just thinking this was a place of healing. My feelings were uncontainable. It was an awe moment. I also had the privilege to sing “Yahshua” in a cathedral that is nearby in the courts of the baths. 

What an anointing Spirit filled day. I am still walking on clouds.



Immediately after the Passover comes a festival that depicts the next step in the fulfillment of Yahweh’s master plan. This is the second Biblical feast of Yahweh (Lev 23:6) and also a Shabbat day. 

Yahshua fulfilled this feast by being in the grave and purified us with His blood and replacing sin with the Bread of Life.

When Yahweh freed Israel from Egypt, He told His people that for “seven days you shall eat unleavened bread” (Exodus 12:15). Exodus 12:39 further explains, “And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they had brought out of Egypt; for it was not leavened, because they were driven out of Egypt and could not wait, nor had they prepared provisions for themselves.”

Leavening is an agent such as yeast that causes bread dough to rise. And the leavening process takes time. The Israelites had no time to spare when they left Egypt, so they baked and ate flat bread. What started out as a necessity continued for a week. God appropriately named this time the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:6), or the Days of Unleavened Bread (Acts 12:3).


When Yahshua came to earth as a human being, He observed this seven-day festival—sometimes called the Feast of Passover by the Jews because the Days of Unleavened Bread followed immediately after Passover, so that the two adjoining festivals could seem to be one—and in fact Passover themes do carry over into the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 

Yahshua observed this festival as a child and later as an adult (Luke 2:41; Matthew 26:17). The early Church, imitating Him in His religious practices, observed it as well.

The Days of Unleavened Bread remind us that with Yahweh’s help we must remove and avoid all sin—symbolized by leaven—and live genuinely by Yahweh’s commandments in all areas of our life.

Our observance of the Days of Unleavened Bread helps us realize our crucial need for Yahshua’s help in overcoming our weaknesses. And this is reflected in the second aspect of how Yahweh commands that this feast be observed—by eating unleavened bread throughout the seven days.

“Yahshua said to them, I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE; the one coming to Me will not at all hunger, and the one believing into Me will not thirst, never!“(John 6:35)

April 25
Aviv 18
Israel Day 9

We visited the City of David and was on the spot where the Priests anointed the Kings and Sonja and me anointed each other with Burning Ones Isaiah 22:22  (Key of David) oil. It was an devine appointment. 

We joined a mass meeting at the Wailing Wall. So many tribes was together. They gather like this just twice a year, receiving the Aramaic Blessing. I was privileged to be there at the appointed time.

In the old City of Jerusalem I discovered an ancient Lion of Judah  lock for prophetic actions with 2 keys fitting into it. Wow, never seen something like that before.

Feeling so spoiled and blessed with favor during this commission. Receiving the Aramaic Blessing, to be anointed at City of David and receiving my new Lion of Judah lock.

For those of you following Yahweh’s Holy Days I will attach an Afrikaans timeslot of the first three Holy Feasts.

April 27

The First day of the week starts at sunset tonight and this was when Yahshua was resurrected and when He fulfilled the FIRST FRUIT feast as our First FRUIT out of the grave with the Feast of Firstfruits in Lev 23:9-14. This feast was for worship, signifying and the giving of Yahweh the best of their harvest.

On the day of the resurrection in Jerusalem, Yahshua became what Paul describes in 1st Corinthians as “the First Fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20).

This is the first and perhaps most obvious meaning of First Fruits in the Bible. It is giving *back from the best* of what we have as a thank offering and declaration of faith.
By using the term to describe Yahshua, Paul is letting us know that Yahweh gave His best for us, He did not hold back.

Paul links First Fruits to Yahshua’s resurrection, and by doing so implies that it would be of life-altering significance in world history.

What a victory!
What a King we serve!
Our First FRUIT KING is alive!

Shalom here from the old City of Jerusalem

Mattaniah on FIRST FRUITS at GOLGOTHA and the
Concealed Miphkat Gate

APRIL 28, 2024 (on First Fruits) I went to look for the Miphkad Gate. This gate is reported to be between the Eastern Gate & the Northeast corner of Jerusalem’s city walls.

Facinating facts about this gate was that it also was known as the PRISON GATE, INSPECTION GATE or GATE OF JUDGEMENT.

The Miphkad Gate is mentioned in Nehemiah 3:31 & 12:39 in the Bible. Just a few verses up in Neh 12:35 Mattaniah was mentioned and he was with a group of men standing in the PRISON GATE (Miphkat gate) on their way to the “appointed place” of the Temple, and I knew I need to get there.

Interesting enough is at the Miphkad Gate people were registered for Temple Tax. So there was also a HEAD count at this gate.

The word “Golgotha” used in the Gospels to describe the place of the crucifixion, is an Aramic word which suggest this area of registry known as MIPHKAD.

What a revelation when I found out that the related Hebrew word bears the same meaning 


: it is “GULGOLETH” which means: skull, head or poll. It is a headcount.

In the time of Yahshua this place of numbering or registration for Temple Tax was called GOLGOTHA


I walked on the VIA DOLOROSA road, out of the LION GATE, I turned left up with the stairs and there was a small hill up to the area where the Miphkad Gate was. On the top of the hill, near the Northeast corner of the city walls, there were three very old Olive Trees. 


  I knew it was the area where the Miphkad Gate used to be and I stopped there.

There I took the LION 


 OF JUDAH LOCK out and prophetically unlocked the Miphkad Gate to usher in the Bridegroom because this gate speaks to us of the BEMA SEAT OF YAHSHUA where our lives are inspected and rewarded appropriately.

This is also the gate where the Red Heifers were sacrificed on the Miphkad Altar outside the city walls. Just like Yahshua was crucified outside the city walls.

I believe this was the actual place where Yahshua was crucified because the Red Heifers were a shadow of a sacrifice like Yahshua was sacrificed and as the true LION OF JUDAH, He went out of the LION GATE, up the hill to the Miphkad Gate or Golgotha where He was crucified on an Olive Tree.

This gate is a culmination of all the gates. If we have all the priority, purity and power gates in place and we are actively seeking the 2nd coming of Yahshua,  we will be rewarded for our faithfulness at the Miphkad Gate.

Prepare the way for the coming King and usher in the Bridegroom, He is on His way!



On my way back to South Africa, at the Ben Gurion Airport, I met Retha Venter. How perfectly planned of Yahweh to seat us near to each other from Addis Ababa to OR Tambo, Johannesburg. Not only did I met Retha on this trip back, but we were privilege to fly back to South Africa in a Boing 747! There were so many seats open that we could easily lay on three seats per person and get in a well needed nap on the 6-hour flight back home. Is this favour or is this favour?

It was a divine appointment, and we had a lot to talk about. Retha was also called to Israel with commissions for the last 24 years. But the most amazing confirmation about Retha’s book (The Devine Whistle) cover page, was that it was the same image she used describing the theme “ONE NEW MAN” that ran through my commissions in Israel and was also in my digitally designed image. I never met her before, we didn’t know each other and at the end of my first trip to Israel, Yahweh came and confirm my whole commission with one book cover. What an awesome Elohim we serve! If He moves, He moves in excellence and what a privilege to be part of His Big Move of restoring the 12 Tribes as ONE NEW MAN!

Retha’s book cover has the same theme as my digital image I made before going to Israel.
The image I designed digitally before leaving for Israel

Shalom, Mattaniah

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