Welcome to Mattaniah Ministries Bible College, where you can study online from the comfort of your own home, in your own time. You may start anytime, anywhere as all our study material are available in E-Books format which will be emailed to you or couriered, if you want hard copies.

Here at Mattaniah Ministries Bible College, we do not sell the gospel and are all the courses for free. We just charge a registration / admin fee that includes a lot of tools you will need completing your course and enable us to send it to you. 

We are excited and so blessed to announce our brand-new Covenant Teaching Courses. They will also be the only courses this college will offer, due to obedience to Abba Father by the principal.


Once we have your application form, we send you the modules electronically or by courier. You then go through your study material on your own time and as you fill out the answer paper or tasks, you send it back to me. I will then mark it and pass your marks every quarter.


You may start anytime, anywhere as all our study material are available in E-Books format which will be emailed to you or couriered, if you want hard copies. 


Another bonus is that you don’t have to pay for the full course at once. You can pay your study fees within 3 months or once off in full. The fees mentioned below does not include the Graduation fee of R500.00 which is payable one month prior to graduation. If all the tasks are not completed at time of Graduation, you just continue with your course until you have completed it and will then graduate the following year.

The items included to the course can only be send after full payment received.

The costs indicated below per course, include the following:

1. Study Material, per eBook or hard Copy

2. Hebraic Study Bible – The Literal Translation

3. Ancient Path Biblical Calendar

4. 1 Pack Cayenne Pepper Kapporeth Capsules – (90 Capsules)

5. Endtime Watchman eBook (Author – Mattaniah Lochner)

6. Courier Costs


We do give credit if you have already acquired something else in the past through Hebraic studies.


To register today, go to the following link:

What courses does “Mattaniah Ministries Bible College” offer?

Covenant Teaching Theology – Short courses @ R1000 each – Mini Thesis Tasks
1. The Chosen People
2. The Biblical Calendar
3. The Great Falling Away
4. Who is the Messiah of Israel?

Diploma in Covenant Teaching Theology R3000 – Question and Answer Tasks

  1. The New Covenant
  2. What is real repentance
  3. The Family or YHWH
  4. The Sabbath Day
  5. The Life of a True Believer
  6. The Reward of the Saved
  7.  Is there a hell fire?
  8.  YAHWEH’s Holy Days – Part 1
  9.  YAHWEH’s Holy Days – Part 2
  10.  The Family of the Creator
  11.  The Biblical Calendar
  12.  The Changing of the Priesthood
  13.  Enduring till the End
  14.  YAHWEH’s Judicial Order
  15.  Who is Babilon?
  16.  The Kingdom of YAHWEH
  17.  Is there an immortal soul?
  18.  The Marriage Covenant
  19.  Who is The Messiah?
  20.  What is the Holy Spirit?
  21.  The Gift of Languages
  22.  The Purpose of Men
  23.  Clean & Unclean
  24.  Tithing
  25.  YAHWEH’s Eternal Capital
  26.  The Shemita Year in Scriptural
  27.  The Wilderness
  28. Ancient Hebrew Marriage Model – Mini Thesis

BA Degree Covenant Teaching Theology & Ministry R3000 – Mini Thesis Tasks

The Above Diploma Modules +
1. The Chosen People 
2. The Great Falling Away 


1. HONOURS DEGREE – 6 Module @ R3500
2. MASTER’S DEGREE – Thesis 45000 words @ R3500

Registered NPC 2020/450492/08
Counselling Association of Sa 30–41/2021
SAQA Reg is not required according to the South African constitution, freedom of religion to all religious institutions (article 15), freedom of expression (article 16) and freedom of association (article18) therefore Government will not interfere in the activities of the institution and the way involvement is expressed in either gatherings or religious education.

Mattaniah Ministries Bible College does not have a prescribed academic year. Students may enrol anytime during the year.

Graduation ceremonies only take place at in September of each year. All full course exams must be handed in before 1 July of each year to be able to graduate.  Attendance of these ceremonies is not compulsory, but the graduation fee will always be payable.

It is the mission of Mattaniah Ministries Bible College to raise up Spirit-anointed leaders who disciple nations.

But now, in Messiah Yahshua you who then were afar off, are brought near by the blood of Messiah. For He is our peace, who has made both one (echad), and has broken down the wall of separation between them, in His flesh He has caused to cease the enmity due to the (manmade) laws in regulations, that He might in Himself create the two into ONE NEW MAN, making peace, and He reconciled both in one body to Elohim and destroyed the enmity through the crucifixion.” (Ephesians 4:11–16).

I’m looking forward hearing from of you and to start this new journey together with Abba Father!

Burning Blessings


Pastor Mattaniah Lochner | B.Min.Hons  | M.Min
Mattaniah Ministries Bible College
Phone: 0795344388


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